The ET&WCN & ATSF locomotive shops are at it again.


New member
Me and my friend Dusten will be making a ATSF 2-10-10-2 #3000. We need a painter a importer, a animator, and maybe another builder. Please PM if you would like to help, and if you have any questions about the engine or joining the E and A loco shops feel free to ask.
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Me and my friend Dusten will be making a ATSF 2-10-10-2 #3000. We need a painter a importer, a animator, and maybe another builder. Please PM if you would like to help, and if you have any questions about the engine or joining the E and A loco shops feel free to ask.

Just out of curiosity: what will your part be in this project?
Dusten wil be building the locomotive, and i am in charge of research of the mighty beast, and maybe a little building. We can't paint, animate the driving rods, or import, but we all have a job.
Can anyone animate this engine for us, and import it, we need people on the e&a team. If you would like to join please PM me.
If you can show me some progress to prove that you've actually got an engine here, I'll animate it. I don't claim to be the best, but I can do it :)
Yes he ment ET&WNC, East Tenn & Western North Carolina RR also Linville River Ry. Right now I am working on the 2-10-10-2, I have been gone for about 2 days a concert in Greensburo. I have not mad much progress on the loco, I just have a rough layout done using my default cab and caped stack. Help is needed on the whole loco, I can't build the whole thing by my self. if you would like to see the quality of the things I am doing I will show you.
The ET&WNC never had any articulated engines. I've started on their closed vestibule coaches. I would make the engines if I had the drawings.
For a list of drawings, I need check the Southeastern Trainz or East Coast Trainz Forums. I would be glad to make anything Tweetsie, so if you have any of the drawings send them! I could try to get ET&WNC as a project for ECT or SET in the future. So look in those forums for stuff of mine.
That locomotive up there is a custom design engine I am doing for my fictional BS RR Barefoot & Southern, I have already started on the Tweetsie 12, she is looking pretty good right now just a rough model, If you would like I can show you what I have done so far on 12. 0n by the way the ET&WNC had some 2-6-6-2s that were planned but never built. Do you have AIM, it would be easier for us to talk.