Why do I have slow downloads when I have purchased the FCT?
My personal internet speeds are 400mbs download & 125mbs uploads with the google speed Tests.
Trainz DLS 263kbs max and time out issues.
Just asking wondering if there are DLS Server issues?
Kind Regards.
I just tested by downloading a newer hopper car.
At 1st my speed was about 1MB/sec then it lowered down to 745Kb/sec and fluctuated up to 1.0Mb/sec and back down until it finished.
That's pretty normal for me. I'm in the state of Oregon, U.S. on a fiber optic high speed (for the U.S) line.
Thank You for the reply ricomon35.
I suspect that the DLS has server issues.
I am going to create a bug report to the Dev's
I have seen as much as 6mbs downloads in the past.
It is not worth purchasing a FCT Ticket when it is not much better than without it.
The FCT should be in all fairness be at downloads of 20mbs to 25mbs.
I just downloaded a route and session (about 6MB) from the DLS and had no speed problems - just the usual traffic dependent variable speed during the download.
Thank You for all of your replies.
After I did the bug report, I tried it again and the speed went up to 11mps download speeds.
I guess it depends on the internet traffic.
Thank You for all of your replies.
After I did the bug report, I tried it again and the speed went up to 11mps download speeds.
I guess it depends on the internet traffic.
The very act of sending in a bug report fixed the problem due to the LGM knowing that they were caught playing with the network connections and scattered to the shadows.
I had the same issue too and then the problem went away suddenly. I agree it must've been the DLS server burping up an internet bubble.
Lol John internet bubble?
That is a very good description of Internet & computers in general.
The DLS did get slow again a few hours later.
My friend Lewiscc65 was very slow for him all day today, and he has the FCT ticket also.