I have recently developed an intrest in this CP train 'The Canadian' and its CN rival 'The SuperContinental' These trains introduced in 1955 were fascinating longhaul [cross canada]. The information I have is rather limitted and consists of the following. Stainless Steel streamliner and senic dome.
Enginee's: F7 or E8 with A and B units. I've seen pictures of AB, ABA, and ABBA configuration hauling them.
F7A 1400, 1410, and 1411
F7B 1900, 4411, and CP4400
E8A 1800, and red 1802, 1902
E8B 1901
[any more??]Cars I've found on DLS
Baggae,RPO, Dinner, Dinner Buffet [dome], Coach, Sleeper, and Park Observation [dome]. [built by Bud and purchased from US]
Unable to find any 'U' series cars [coaches and sleepers reworked with siding to look like the others and used during peak times].
I've even found an old scanned schedule covering the 70 hrs of the trip from Toronto/Montreal to Vancouver.
The trip leaving TO(6hrs) and Mtl(9.5hrs) meet in Sudbury and joined to continue its westward journey.
As a young man working his way through University as a carman in Sudbury I've watered and cleaned these cars but my memory is hazy [probably the 40 below temperatures and midnight shift].
The two trains heading west would meet and combine at Sudbury with the overflow cars heading back to MTL/TO the next day as seperate trains.
Can someone provide more information about consists and traffic movement for this train. A 70 hour trip accross the country should have some stories.
Oh yes....The CPRail web site even includes MST models for those who use that...no Trainz though - too bad.
Enginee's: F7 or E8 with A and B units. I've seen pictures of AB, ABA, and ABBA configuration hauling them.
F7A 1400, 1410, and 1411
F7B 1900, 4411, and CP4400
E8A 1800, and red 1802, 1902
E8B 1901
[any more??]Cars I've found on DLS
Baggae,RPO, Dinner, Dinner Buffet [dome], Coach, Sleeper, and Park Observation [dome]. [built by Bud and purchased from US]
Unable to find any 'U' series cars [coaches and sleepers reworked with siding to look like the others and used during peak times].
I've even found an old scanned schedule covering the 70 hrs of the trip from Toronto/Montreal to Vancouver.
The trip leaving TO(6hrs) and Mtl(9.5hrs) meet in Sudbury and joined to continue its westward journey.
As a young man working his way through University as a carman in Sudbury I've watered and cleaned these cars but my memory is hazy [probably the 40 below temperatures and midnight shift].
The two trains heading west would meet and combine at Sudbury with the overflow cars heading back to MTL/TO the next day as seperate trains.
Can someone provide more information about consists and traffic movement for this train. A 70 hour trip accross the country should have some stories.
Oh yes....The CPRail web site even includes MST models for those who use that...no Trainz though - too bad.