Wonderfully Old Fashioned
For those wishing to get good content, I thought I'd start this forum.(which judging by a search, I hope hasn't already been a thing)
The purpose of this forum is, rather than searching a name of a asset, you can search the asset author in order to get the freeware from the DLS.
The usefulness of this is if a asset as a rather odd, or unique name, it's easier to find.
I'll start us off, you can add to this!
jetstreamsky(Idc if the model's paintwork is basic, the models are neat and they are renamerable!)
The purpose of this forum is, rather than searching a name of a asset, you can search the asset author in order to get the freeware from the DLS.
The usefulness of this is if a asset as a rather odd, or unique name, it's easier to find.
I'll start us off, you can add to this!
jetstreamsky(Idc if the model's paintwork is basic, the models are neat and they are renamerable!)