New member
Hello Trainz gang! I just wanted to issue a heartfelt thanks to those who posted possible causes of the MIN (Multiple Industry New) showing no commodities in the queue list. Mine (TS-12) started doing that about a month ago, and I searched the forum for a possible fix. I found a post concerning faulty commodities, particularly something about rusty re-bar. Well, I didn't have that installed, but I stayed with the faulty asset solution. First I deleted all faulty assets I had installed since I bought this wonderful game. That didn't fix it. Next, out went some assets with missing dependencies. Nope. The CM has a really nice filter that allowed me to search for commodities by date installed. I deleted every commodity installed in the last few months. I still don't know which one was causing the problem, but when I did that and restarted Trainz, the MIN was back to normal. I re-installed some of the assets I'd deleted, one at a time, enough to rebuild the Ethanol plant I was working on, which now works like a champ! Thanks again!
-Vic Sagerquist
-Vic Sagerquist