I also was having a hard time get the material m.glass to work as desired in game. The solution for me was NOT as simple as having the PBR typical albedo, parameter, and normal textures. While in Blender Shading. I had to add an environmental texture and a separate image texture having the alpha channel. In Editor Type, under the Add, Texture dropdown menu you will file Environmental Texture. Add it and another image texture, which has the alpha channel layer. Noodle connect the Environmental Texture Color to the Subsurface Color of the Principled BSDF, and noodle connect (the colored line) your image (containing the alpha) texture from the Alpha point to the Alpha point of the Principled BSDF. Your albedo texture Color point is noodled to Base Color (my albedo has NO alpha channel), Parameter texture Color to Roughness, and Normal to Color of the Principled BSDF. The albedo texture has just the three basic Red, Green, and Blue layers, with no alpha. The normal texture should be or can be just a completely flat. In my case, it's Red, Green, Blue was R:126, G:125, B:255. My parameter was also just a flat surface with R:99, G:189, B:255. I did have to play with the RGB to get the color transparency as desire.
Note: My albedo, parameter, normal, and environmental textures were all .png type files. My add image texture containing the alpha channel or layer was a .tga file. I use a .tga so I can confirm or make sure the alpha channel is present by using PEV's free Images2TGA Application (Program).
BTW another free imaging or paint program is paint.net. I use it to make my normal textures.