Good luck with the Model RR Club, I joined one in Orange County, Calif. when I was 13... Best thing I ever did. I'm over 40 now, and that experience gets me excited about trains EVEN TODAY!
I'm holding out 'till 18, because that's when I can start driving the SW8's we have here at the museum. (oh, and I'll also qualify for the Engineer for an Hour program in Fort Wayne. 765 FTW!!)
I never really worked out the fear of the number 13. It doesn't make sense. For one thing, I have a better record on table 13 at my local snooker club than on the other tables. The cloth is so much better, so I can move the white better.
Anyway, enjoy teenagerhood (If that's not a word then it should be). It's almost over for me - I might have to start being more sensible (and spend less money on snooker ).
Goodluck with the RR club. When i turned 13, i was excited when i was a teen, btu now being a teen, is alright. it has itsm faults, like when i joined the LVRRHS.
I WAS the YOUNGEST member. The runnerup?