

New member
As of 12AM (mountain Time) I will turn 13 (which puts me at a privalage to join a Model railroad club nerby!)
As of 12AM (mountain Time) I will turn 13 (which puts me at a privalage to join a Model railroad club nerby!)
Congratulations Jimmy, hope everything goes well with the Railroad Club.

Do not forget your school work though :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Congratulations Jimmy, hope everything goes well with the Railroad Club.

Do not forget your school work though :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:


Yeah....wow...13....it's all good for many years to come! Congrats!

But, as Craig has pointed out, (check your spelling:p ) stay on top of that school work, only about 8 to 10 more years to go!

No problem with school (because of the age cut-off here and in California and Colorado, I'm a grade ahead!)
hopefully you don't get trisadeckaphobia (might be spelt wrong, basically the fear of 13)

Congratulations! Happy 13th!

Good luck with the Model RR Club, I joined one in Orange County, Calif. when I was 13... Best thing I ever did. I'm over 40 now, and that experience gets me excited about trains EVEN TODAY!

Happy birthday!

I'm holding out 'till 18, because that's when I can start driving the SW8's we have here at the museum. (oh, and I'll also qualify for the Engineer for an Hour program in Fort Wayne. 765 FTW!!)
hopefully you don't get trisadeckaphobia (might be spelt wrong, basically the fear of 13)


I never really worked out the fear of the number 13. It doesn't make sense. For one thing, I have a better record on table 13 at my local snooker club than on the other tables. The cloth is so much better, so I can move the white better.

Anyway, enjoy teenagerhood (If that's not a word then it should be). It's almost over for me - I might have to start being more sensible :confused: (and spend less money on snooker ;)).

Goodluck with the RR club. When i turned 13, i was excited when i was a teen, btu now being a teen, is alright. it has itsm faults, like when i joined the LVRRHS.
I WAS the YOUNGEST member. The runnerup?
triskaidekaphobia is how its spelled, and congratulations, your now a teeny bopper. Your parents are having nightmares about it already! :hehe: