Tank Engines....

The tank engines on the DLS are found by doing a search for locomotives (leave the name blank and select locomotives in the menu at the bottom of the search window). It'll give you every locomotive on the DLS and open a second search window below the first. Use this to narrow the search to only steam tank engines and search again. Be ready to be amazed by the selection.

:cool: Claude
'All my add-ons' don't work isn't going to get you very far. Try giving some details (like what version of TRS you have for a start).

I did in that post. Click the link. Did you even bother to read my entire post?
All you wrote in that thread was;

I have the same problem with my addons!


Addons I install NEVER appear in my TRS2006. (Not in Driver, that goes for routes, not in Railrard, that goes for trains, not in Surveyor! That goes for everything else.)

So what did I not read?

The assests aren't faulty. Just one thing has some missing dependincies. Though, it worked before I re-installed Trainz.