Tane:Wheels not turning


Hi all,
I have used advanced search to see if my problem exists with others but could not find any..

When in driver I start a train moving either in AI or easy drive all is well.Then I use "free roaming view" and move ahead to a spot to watch the train go by..When it does all the wheels are not turning.
Is this a possible bug in Tane or at my end.If at my end any suggestions as to how I can rectify said problem?

Thank you in advance
They are working on mine. There are some older assets that do not have animated bogies so their wheels will never turn.

Do you get this with steam locos as well?
That's odd. I've never seen that on any release of Trainz/TANE including the early alphas and betas of TANE. Best you raise a help desk ticket on it.

There are some bogies that can be hard to see turning which is why I asked about steam locos which are more obvious.
all is well.Then I use "free roaming view" and move ahead to a spot to watch the train go by..When it does all the wheels are not turning.


Their maybe another possibly... animation cut off with the animations being culled, I've only just started using this on my assets and some people might have it set too close.. it's only a theory though as I'm still on 32Bit OS and can't run T:ANE to find out.

Try zooming in/out several times while it's moving, that'll be a good way to find out.

I have just checked the only JR item I have <kuid2:45324:300007:2> and the wheels rotate correctly as can be seen by the slight marks in the tread texture.

Umphies, why a new thread, there are already two on the same subject, stick with this one.

I have at least one loco that has no moving wheels. KUID:151325:2103 It was repaired to work in T:ANE. Works quite well in TS12, and because it is a steam loco there is no question as to what moves and what not. I checked the bogie asset and it shows no faults nor errors. If anybody wants to help, I can supply by e-mail the full asset.
To determine where the problem is I suggest that you download <kuid2:44700:731110:3> from the DLS. I have just downloaded and checked this in T:ane and the full animation works as it should. For your interest, this was originally made in TS2004 and is now compatible with T:ane. If it works on your route, you have local faulty content, if it doesn't work you have a faulty installation.

By the way, it is 30" gauge but will run quite happily on standard gauge.

llebrez I'll have a look at your problem, PM me
