So I have upgraded to T:ANE and I have downloaded terrain maps from fishlipsatwork and when I load them into Surveyor, the map is blank. There are no baseboards whatsoever. What do I do about this problem?


I downloaded them myself some time ago - It looks like nothing has changed. They'll just take up space on your computer so I'd delete them if I was you.

T:ANE has a problem reading maps using an older fileformat. With TS12 you could use the following procedure:
- load the map in the surveyor of TS12
- save the map as a new one
- import the new map in T:ANE
Never tried the same procedure using TS2010.

Your best bet is to buy Transdem, create the route as if for TS12, import to TANE, reset the Enviro Control to get rid of the blue tint and you're up and running. You also need the latest set of Transdem textures that work in TANE, too.
T:ANE has a problem reading maps using an older fileformat. With TS12 you could use the following procedure:
- load the map in the surveyor of TS12
- save the map as a new one
- import the new map in T:ANE

This does not work, at least not for me.
This issue is not just a T:ANE issue. I have seen this in the past while importing older fishlipsatwork maps into TS12. The problem I found was the map its self was missing the world origin or perhaps it was corrupt. I can't remember which now since it's been some time since I did that.

Also when bringing the maps into T:ANE ensure you have all the HOG textures installed.
I have had no problems bringing the older fishlips stuff into TS12, at least up to 3.6. And I am not sure why you would need more than the dozen or so HOG textures that the TIGER data actually uses to display the map.
I have had no problems bringing the older fishlips stuff into TS12, at least up to 3.6. And I am not sure why you would need more than the dozen or so HOG textures that the TIGER data actually uses to display the map.

For me it was whatever maps I had chosen, because some many of them worked fine. These, if I recall, were not on the DLS so maybe there was some kind of data corruption.

Why the other colors.... It could be that the maps we use are derived from the original TIGER maps, which only use a subset of the rest of the color palette used elsewhere in the world.

Fishlips' pre-generated terrain files can indeed be converted to T:ANE format, though it's a little bit involved. You need to also have a copy of Trains available which is version 2012 or earlier. First, in 2012, create a new route consisting of one baseboard only (no tracks, textures, terrain, etc.) and save it under the name you ultimately want. Exit from Trainz.

Start Content Manager (again, Trains 2012 or earlier) and open your new route in Explorer. Also, import/open the Fishlips route in Explorer (don't mix up the two windows!). In the Fishlips route, rename the .gnd file (it could be something like columbus.gnd, etc.) to mapfile.gnd. COPY this file into your new route file, so that it overwrites the existing mapfile.gnd. Commit your new route, and revert the Fishlips original.

Now open your new route in Trainz 2012. Save it and the default session created with it and exit.

Again open Content Manager (2012), find your new route and session and select both. Right click on either one and choose Export to CDP. Save it somewhere where you can find it on your hard drive.

Open T:ANE content manager and from the File menu choose Import content files... then locate your saved .CDP file and import it. You can find the newly imported files in T:ANE Content Manager by choosing Today from the list types at the top. If you want to retain the HOG textures (showing roads, rail lines, etc.) right click on the two files (route and session) and choose List Dependencies from the context menu. Download (or import from your 2012 installation) and install any missing dependencies.

In T:ANE your new route and session should show up in your routes listings. If you open them and still find holes in your terrain where a HOG texture should have been, choose Delete Missing Assets from the Main Menu and save, close and re-open. The gaps should be gone, as will the missing HOG texture. There is another thread on the forum that addresses problems resulting from several different sets of HOG textures used in different circumstances, but in any case you'll have the actual terrain at minimum.

You may also find other anomalies, such as high ridges at the edge of a route. In this case just remove the offending baseboards.

No warrenty is implied or given, but it reliably works for me. It's not perfect, and a bit of work, but it does open up use of the huge library of terrain files created by Fishlips and is well worth it, I think.

That's basically the same procedure as in post #3, just doing it in a more complicated way. I've just tried my way using TS2010 with the map 'Virginia Truc S', and have successfully installed it in T:ANE.

That's basically the same procedure as in post #3, just doing it in a more complicated way. I've just tried my way using TS2010 with the map 'Virginia Truc S', and have successfully installed it in T:ANE.


Except that in my experience trying to import a flishlipsatwork map into 2012 failed each time. I'm not sure when the fishlips maps became incompatible with newer versions, but 2012 definitely choked on them for me.

Except that in my experience trying to import a flishlipsatwork map into 2012 failed each time. I'm not sure when the fishlips maps became incompatible with newer versions, but 2012 definitely choked on them for me.


Some of the older maps were corrupted somehow. If I recall, they were located on the GAURC server for a time and then that went off the air. It maybe one of these maps you are trying to bring in that didn't work. All it takes is for something to be a bit off, and that can choke TS12.
