Switch derailing train cars


Get over it
I've asked this before, years ago, and have forgotten the answer. Some of my switches change direction as the cars pass through them causing derailments. What's the solution or suggestions? Thanks.
Indeed you have seen this years ago. And years ago I found a solution that works for me: Look at the offending switch in surveyor. See where the arrows are, by default in the middle of the round circle of the spline. Now, carefuly move them away from the frogs to about half way from the center of the circle to the border of it. Save and repeat passing the consist. It should work. Let us know if it works.
Even I, have gotten accustomed to placing the switch machine on the extreme R hand side of the turnout rail, from looking straight down from above, and moving it in TM tab, to @ the 1st R tie from the actual point circle
Thanks for replying. Yes, now I remember. I moved the switch away from the center both closer and farther away but it didn't help. After rereading llebrez's post I see that I might have moved it too far. What I did was I moved the turnout farther away from the original position and that seems to have fixed the issue. The turnout is on the mainline and fortunately I had enough space to move the turnout. I have the same problem at another switch and I'll try the iiebrez's suggestion and will let you know how I make out. Thanks again.
After trying various scenarios with the above suggestions I have come to the conclusion that if a switch, in my case a main line switch, is too close to a station no matter how you move the switch stand it will still change directions. What I had to do was to move the switch farther away from the station and that solved my problem. A little bit more work rearranging things but I learn new things as I do the rework. Hope this helps others with this problem.
After trying various scenarios with the above suggestions I have come to the conclusion that if a switch, in my case a main line switch, is too close to a station no matter how you move the switch stand it will still change directions. What I had to do was to move the switch farther away from the station and that solved my problem. A little bit more work rearranging things but I learn new things as I do the rework. Hope this helps others with this problem.

This makes sense. When a train enters into a station, or any interactive industry for that matter, the industry script takes control of the train. This causes signals and other track-assets outside of the station to no longer see and control the train. What's happening here is your switch is defaulting to its placed position and derailing the train.

I discovered this with signals that were placed too close to a station platform. The purpose of these signals was to allow following AI trains, with this being a busy trolley system, to pull up to the platform and wait for the train on the platform to move off. The problem I had was sometimes the AI trains would skip past the platform and other times ignore the red signal, or get stuck at the signal even if the signal was yellow or green. Moving the signal away from the platform edge solved the problem.

As you found out, moving the switch lever was inconvenient, but that's something that needs to be done in situations like this. It's too bad we couldn't adjust the working radius for industries the way we adjust the radius for triggers.

I believe ( I may be wrong) that a switch machine can be placed on either the inside, or outside, of a points rails, if you place it in the middle of the spline point circle Trainz chooses either the R or L point rail, that is why I carefully zoom in, looking down from straight above, and place it where I want ... perhaps I am totally wrong, and this is an urban myth ? But I do the same thing with signals and all trackside assets. And I always flip the switch machine arrows direction to the intended normal path.

In T:ANE setting a path through such junctions with an IT tower will prevent this happening as the IT will keep the path open until the train clears the release signal.


Cascaderailroad - I tried your method every which way and the switch still changed direction while the cars were passing over it. I hope it works for you but it didn't for me.
Perhaps it is a long train, and trips off 1 or 2 signals down the line to green, making the last turnout flip to normal path, or reverse path, because an opposing train is requesting access to the path ?
do you by any chance have one of those crossover junction controllers assigned to that switch? or possibly try a different switch machine I know since ts12 older version s have been acting funny...good luck...