Hi. Here's one that has me quite puzzled:
Train is heading towards the left. Why does it take the direction opposite of what the switch indicator shows?
I've relaid the junction, checked track direction, rolling stock points the correct way, used different switch levers, rotated switch lever, changed switch position in Surveyor... The same junction configuration works on other parts of my route.
I've run out of ideas to try. :'(
Thanks, and Happy New Year everyone!
Train is heading towards the left. Why does it take the direction opposite of what the switch indicator shows?

I've relaid the junction, checked track direction, rolling stock points the correct way, used different switch levers, rotated switch lever, changed switch position in Surveyor... The same junction configuration works on other parts of my route.
I've run out of ideas to try. :'(
Thanks, and Happy New Year everyone!