Surveyor Viewing


Always a WIP
Is there a way to say view the map as a whole in surveyor, or to fly around the map easier than just right clicking in the distance and repeating?
Thanks in advance
Yes there is, hold down the righthand button and move the mouse cursor away from you. when you want to stop, release the button.
Yes there is, hold down the righthand button and move the mouse cursor away from you. when you want to stop, release the button.
Im using a trac-ball Andy. Do you mean RC (rightclick) and zoom out? Or roll out? I cant test this yet as im waiting patiently (through 5 beers now and now .5 ways through a 10 dollar cigar, and 3 tries to get the friggin patch) in order to work?
There is a program called Trainzmap included in Service Pack 1 for TRS2006. It let's you view your entire rail network, signals, trackside objects, switches/turnouts and industries. Very handy, IMHO. ;)
Some other tricks:

1. You can switch to the mini-map view, zoom out, and select somewhere to move to.

2. There's a Find option in Surveyor which will jump you to any named object, for example the name of a station or other industry.

HTH, John
Is there a way to say view the map as a whole in surveyor, or to fly around the map easier than just right clicking in the distance and repeating?
Thanks in advance

You don't say which version you are using...
in TRS2004 Alt+fly (or +walk) allows free roaming in surveyor.
in TRS2006 or TC Alt+u (or +y) also allows free roaming in surveyor.
in TRS2006 or TC Alt+u (or +y) also allows free roaming in surveyor
My is TS06
Thanks for the help...
The patch finally installed but due to problems with cmp earlier Im currently downloading all the content...then Ill be able to check out what the patch has to offer.

I don't believe anybody mentioned that in Surveyor the minimap has a small arrowhead at N, E, S, and W. They might be a little hard to see, but right click directly on one and hold to rapidly move over the map in that direction.

You can just hold and right click on the minimap just like you do on the route itself. Or else there's always the arrow keys. To change the orientation of the minimap just right click anywhere outside the map, rotate it until you face an appropriate orientation.
In surveyor, my keyboard's page down button only allows me to zoom out so far. Is there a ceiling limit?

Am I able to increase this amount to see a larger portion of my layout at once while I am creating it?
Am I able to increase this amount to see a larger portion of my layout at once while I am creating it?

Yes, you can. In the trainsoptions.txt file, add the line [FONT=&quot]"-surveyorfov=55" (without the ", but include the -) and change the 55 (the default) to a higher number to see more of your layout. I think from memory I'm using 125 at the moment. (fov = field of view).


Im using a trac-ball Andy. Do you mean RC (rightclick) and zoom out? Or roll out? I cant test this yet as im waiting patiently (through 5 beers now and now .5 ways through a 10 dollar cigar, and 3 tries to get the friggin patch) in order to work?

what he means is IF you have a right click button, hold it down while moving your mouse (not sure if itll work with a ball) forward and you can fly along much easier.