Surveyor Trains Menu

How do you edit the train list (F7) in surveyor? Iwant to delete some non working items. Thanks :cool:

I would love to try to help somewhat, since the members always help me. I dont really understand exactly what you mean. Can you please clarify your posting???:confused: In addition, let us know which version of TRAINZ you are running. Good luck.........:wave:
I'm guessing you mean you want to get rid of stuff that's faulty and won't work.

If you're using 04, then go into Trainz ObjectZ and delete them. If you're using 06 then I guess CMP will do it but I don't know how.


I'm guessing you mean you want to get rid of stuff that's faulty and won't work.

If you're using 04, then go into Trainz ObjectZ and delete them. If you're using 06 then I guess CMP will do it but I don't know how.



I think you will find that for TRS 2006 you can disable content through CMP which has the effect you are after.

Surveyor will list all the currently installed layouts.

You can't remove the built-in layouts. Any attempt to do so is likely to wreck the program and you'll have to reinstall it.

In TRS2004's Surveyor you can uninstall any layouts that you've created yourself. They are marked with a "c" (for "custom") and when one of them is selected a delete option appears.

In TRS2004's Surveyor you can't uninstall any layouts you've downloaded, but as others have said you can do this in the ever excellent Trainz Objectz.

Deleting a layout doesn't delete any of its dependencies, of which there may be hundreds. In Trainz Objectz there's an option to check for unused assets and delete them.

Sadly Trainz Objectz isn't compatible with TRS2006 or Trainz Classics/Trainz Railways/Trainz Railwayz so you'll have to do battle with the dreaded CMP. Good luck.


I am running TRS2006 SP1. I want to delete non working items in Surveyor Add A train menu (F7). I have some Locos and cars that are non functional. Does anyone know how to do this? Its not in the manual.:cool:
In CMP locate the asset you want to delete. Right click on it.
You'll have the option of deleting it if it's not built in or disabling it.
Either way it will no longer show in the surveyor menu