Subway Cars


New member
Hi everyone and I hope that there are a few people that may take it up on the NYCTA the R68,R142and R142A, and the new R160 to make each one on here. If I could I would and some people know me so I can't but I may help you let me now thank you. Mario :)
I have almost all of the NYC subway cars from the 1904 IRT composite subway cars to the R160 subway cars on the DLS. Note that I combined a few models because they are very similar. For example, R44/R46 and R143/R160.
Hi Jeff I know what you are talking about and I haven't seen the R160 and I have the R143 from Jaleel the R68 I have not seen and there was a person with to write to on R142,R142A. I will look and to tell you about Stillwell Ave and the new roof I am not use if it is half way or full but I will get up there and tell you. Mario :)
The R143 and R160 subway cars are very similar except for the position of the USA flag on the cab ends. The R27 and R30 subway cars were very similar. The R26, R28, R33, and R36 subway cars were very similar. The differences between the R44 and R46 subway cars were the trucks (bogies) but the trucks on the R46 subway cars were defective and had to be replaced by trucks similar to those on R44 subway cars. I didn't want to create 3D models of each and every subway cars unless there are visible differences such as R32 and R38 subway cars having different bodies. I don't want to create each and every Chevrolet cars from 1912 to 2007!
Hi Jeff and the only thing is to have R68 and can you give me the trucks or can you do it and I will fine out about Stillwell Ave. If you can't tell me how Mario :)
Mario, did you download all of my subway cars, interiors, and trucks? Since I'm not a good artist, I kept things simple.
Hi Jeff and yes I have got everything maybe soon I will try and with in the next week I will tell you about CI. Mario:)
Hi Jeff and I am alone and is it a nice day so I am going to Stillwell Ave and will be back with the answer. The won that wrote me have to make subways cars the same as making a locomotive and more one is Magicland Mario :)
Hi Jeff and I just got back from Stillwell Ave and I hope that is right looking from the N line the overhead roof from Stillwell Ave to were the Conductor area was and still is on the R40 between end of the 6 car and beginning of the 7 car say running from Stillwell to Neptune Av if you need more ask me Mario:)
I have all of the ones that are avaible for download...but I wish I could have an R1, R40 and an overhauled R40...I mean R32:o :o :o
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