Stupid question - how do you edit a route in Surveyor? (figuring out UI)

I feel pretty dumb having to ask this, but how to you get to surveyor to edit a route or make a new session? I'm not talking about payware or DLC routes, I mean even ones
of my own. Apparently I can't figure out the UI, and I need help with that. It's probably obvious, but I just can't figure it out.
This page on the Wiki might be helpful.

In particular there is this one:

And this one:

I was going to type up something but there's so much to it and this was easier.
It turned out that the windows taskbar was hiding the buttons that let you edit it. Very new to both the computer and the operating system. Really feel dumb, but I hope you can understand how I got confused.
It turned out that the windows taskbar was hiding the buttons that let you edit it. Very new to both the computer and the operating system. Really feel dumb, but I hope you can understand how I got confused.
I sure can and I've run into the same issue. It's a bit disconcerting when the button you are supposed to click on isn't visible.
Make sure when editing a route to click Save regularly and in Manage Content save the route to a CDP at the end of the day. After you Save and Exit Surveyor make sure you don't close the game or shut down your PC for maybe 15 minutes as this can often wipe out your work.
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