SteamLocomotiveWorks rolling stock screens


Man from the roundhouse
SLW is well known for its fantasic German and Polish payware steamlocomotives. In this thread i would like to present some of my screens made with use of SLW rolling stock.

TKt48 polish tank engine runs slowly on grassed rails of old station of Eastern Michowicze.

Ot1 heavy polish passenger locomotive pulls a scheduled train made of four german double deck Bhp type cars on the same station as above....

That would be all for now ... If you have any screens of SLW rolling stock please post them in this thread....

THX 4 all comments and sorry about my english...

Regards EMIL
New Screen

On this one you can see 4 locomotives (from left to right) Ty42, TKt48, Tr203 and heaviest Polish loco Ty51. Screen was made on Michowicze East locomotove shed.

Regards Emil