Steam Locomotives


New member
Has anyone ever noticed that there aren't many models of restored steamers on trainz? I mean, theres a 1522, but wheres the 3751, 611, 844, 3985 and other restored steamers? I mean the glory days of steam may be over but there is still stuff form the past to be admired for future generations to come. I wrote a little poem about steam locomotives.

Steam was glory, steam was real, the cloud of smoke, metal wheels.
The tenders behind, the miles of track, who can forget that clickety clack.
The telescope stacks, the flying pumps, trackwork so great with no bumps
The passenger trains speeding with might, the light on the engine shining so bright
The pistons are pumping, the trains right on time.
Steam is forever, Steam will always be true, the engine chuffin the whistle going WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

What did yall think bout the poem? I am no poet but it thought i would give it a shot. This is just a little slice of my tribute to all steam
Yeah it's good :)

..but how about (a humble suggestion) in that first line,

Steam was glory, steam was real; the smoke, the fury, the wheels of steel

Love the poem. Now to answer the question: steam in trainz.

As far as restored steamers go, the Australians and the British are doing well in their creation of steam. That is not to say that there are many American locomotives in the works. I must give kudos to all those who have created steam and are working on even more to this day. As far as 611, a redo of 1522, 3751, 844, 3985, and my all time favorite 4501, they will eventually be done. Someone will take the challange. We will just have to be patient.

I feel like Im monologuing, again.
I would love to contribute to the American Steam Dream, but alas, I have no skills in gmax.:(

However, I am taking a small step into content creation. I'm working on an updated whistle for the 1522.
I would love to contribute to the American Steam Dream, but alas, I have no skills in gmax.:(

However, I am taking a small step into content creation. I'm working on an updated whistle for the 1522.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Good luck!