Station Building


Old Man
I am asking for help again.I downloaded Tafweb's station building kuid 1942:28023 and tried to name it and could not.I looked at the config file and I think you can name it.
Could someone check this out for me please and tell me what I am doing wrong as Tafweb's stuff has always worked before and it's so good.
Thank you,
Bill :o :o
I'm not sure what version you have, & this time I can't find it in the manuals, but when you open the object box, you will find it by hovering your mouse over the options, and you should be able to work it from there.
asset options. ? button then click the station or station track to bring up the properties box then put the name in the top box.
The config file is missing the necessary instruction. Open the config file in Notepad and insert the extra (red) code
mesh-table {
	default {
		mesh					""
		auto-create				1
	[b][color=red]effects {
			0 {
				kind			"name"
				fontsize		0.2
				fontcolor		0,0,128
				att			"a.name0"
				name			"name"
	default-night {
		mesh					"night/"
		night-mesh-base				"default"

You can also delete the two lines fontsize and fontcolor further down as these are no longer needed. Save and then you will find that you can name the station from the title in the properties box. Alter the fontsize and fontcolor values as needed