Stage Asset

Hi guys,
i was wondering if there was a stage asset with animated bands or an EDM set up with basic animations and lights, im creating a route that goes past a show ground/music festival, with a station right by it, and thought this would fit well
I don't think there is one exactly like this and this might require some scratch-building.

You could use a station platform spline along with some lights on a string like you see at Christmas time across main street. A gazebo is around too and might be useful for the venue. For the musicians, I've never come across any, but I know there are some dancing girls which you might find useful.
this is what i have so far, yes i work quickly
That's cool!

Great job. I forgot about the stadium seating and spotlights.

I'm not sure if you're using the clusters/groups of people, but Scottish made some which are really great because they actually pick up the people that are used on the station platforms. You need to fiddle to get them to display in TS12 --- place them then hit undo followed by a redo --- but they work great.

Look for DEC assets too for other things that might be of interest like groups of children and adults - all low poly which is good for large crowds.