Spinning wheels

Seriously guy's....it doesn't look very good - upon this they turn backwards.

so cut off wagons until the train rolls forward...

The total weight of the train is normally governed by what the locomotives are willing to move away from a standing start up a 1.33% grade.

Anything else will cause it to stall out or roll back.

Judging it is hard as some locos IRL have power overload trips that pop if you try to put down too much juice. For example 37/0/3's. 37/4s and up don't have them.

The rule I use is 1.5hp engine output per ton train unless it's got the TE to change that to 1HP/ton weight.


Look for errors in the bogie config.txt. There should NOT be an 'anim' tag and there should NOT be 'animation-loop-speed' either.
If the wheels are turning whilst the engine is standing still, is there a way to correct it ??

Another thing is... Have you dropped out the power completely and is the ammeter reading zero? This has been noticed on locos with the power in notch 1 and the brake hard on on level ground!!!!


Hmm I think andi06 has twigged onto something here, I don't think Ferngren is talking about wheelslip :rolleyes:


try it now... One loco. class 37. brake hard on. notch 1 in either forward or back and watch the wheels CLOSELY!

They'll turn even if the loco don't go anywhere


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Thanks andi06, the kind of answer I was after. I recon' it had something to do with anim and the config. It looks a bit akward.

And for jivebunny and others, sorry for not beeing clear enough. Thought you're just pulling my leg. As I put this type of loco on the rails, the wheels are turning (backwards relative to the front) with the brakes on, throttle zero and loco standing still.

Bottom line ; some could be cosider as +1 posts but I guess even the mods had a laugh or two out of this - I did.
Certainly - a payware SD9 from VMD.

I removed the tags in the bogey-config as andi06 said, and now the wheels are turning accordingly to movement.

(even true for wheelslip.):D