Spanish turn-outs construction guide


It's old but it works
Hi and a happy new year to all,
I have been putting some track together using "vias3d UIC54 turnouts". I noticed when I downloaded them that there was construction guide included but for the life of me I can't find it. If some kind soul could point me in right in the right direction it would relieve a deal of vexatiousness and I could carry on with a happy heart, thankyou. Best regards.


On the "vias3d " web site look in the following - Trainz > Infraestructura ferroviaria > Vías

Download the - "Desvíos UIC54 balasto gris(ACTUALIZACION) por camber (raildumper) Añadido el 07/04/2007" - file.

There is a pdf tutorial included in the above Zip file. Hope this helps.

Hi Les,
Thanks alot for the help it is really welcome. (there good looking points or as others say turnouts ) The PDF was in the zip which I had downloaded but never opened to explore. When I did there it was. Much appreciated best regards.
