Howdy, y'all.
Recently installed SP1 4 T2k6. Went to Driver to run a session created b4 install of sp. No loco. Went 2 Surveyor & loaded layout. Went 2 loco loc in Surveyor. It was there. Went to Edit Session Rules. Shows Startup Options, Driver Setup & Driver Command, but when i clicked on Driver Setup and Edit, it opened a window with nothing but the title "Driver Setup" and a big blank space.

I've tried other routes w/same results. These were all working as expected b4 install of sp. Any ideas?
Recently installed SP1 4 T2k6. Went to Driver to run a session created b4 install of sp. No loco. Went 2 Surveyor & loaded layout. Went 2 loco loc in Surveyor. It was there. Went to Edit Session Rules. Shows Startup Options, Driver Setup & Driver Command, but when i clicked on Driver Setup and Edit, it opened a window with nothing but the title "Driver Setup" and a big blank space.

I've tried other routes w/same results. These were all working as expected b4 install of sp. Any ideas?