SP1 & The Case of the Disappearing Session Rules


New member
Howdy, y'all.

Recently installed SP1 4 T2k6. Went to Driver to run a session created b4 install of sp. No loco. Went 2 Surveyor & loaded layout. Went 2 loco loc in Surveyor. It was there. Went to Edit Session Rules. Shows Startup Options, Driver Setup & Driver Command, but when i clicked on Driver Setup and Edit, it opened a window with nothing but the title "Driver Setup" and a big blank space.

I've tried other routes w/same results. These were all working as expected b4 install of sp. Any ideas?

Howdy, y'all.

Recently installed SP1 4 T2k6. Went to Driver to run a session created b4 install of sp. No loco. Went 2 Surveyor & loaded layout. Went 2 loco loc in Surveyor. It was there. Went to Edit Session Rules. Shows Startup Options, Driver Setup & Driver Command, but when i clicked on Driver Setup and Edit, it opened a window with nothing but the title "Driver Setup" and a big blank space.

I've tried other routes w/same results. These were all working as expected b4 install of sp. Any ideas?


You have to install SP1 onto a COMPLETELY CLEAN install of TRS2006.

good instructions can be found here: http://www.rail-sim.co.uk/documentation_and_guides.htm

When you installed SP1 did you install it on a fresh install of TRS2006 without any custom content installed?

Have you also read these two threads here and here that describe how to install SP1?

Have you also read this thread that describes how you would bring your content back into TRS after you've patched it?

Note: The links above work and point to 3 threads if they don't work see this thread.

