sp black widow?

Black Widow

John I have seen a f7 in the Black Widow scheme on the download station

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Download them anyway. They should run fine in TRS2006. Almost all the earlier stock does, and CMP can help you through any compatibility problems.

:cool: Claude
They run fine in 2006 SP1. Can't remember many errors in them, (corrected so many loco's lately) probably few and easily fixed if any.

Get back here with the errors if they show up faulty.

Why not SP1 ??

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Ok, hope you'll find the energy soon, SP1 is really an improvement.

As I can't check for errors in my own Black Widows, I DL jorams Central Vermont GP9 and as I remember a quick fix. I got "could not load texture....." as for error. If you open in Explorer and go into the "body folder" you'll find a "main texture.texture" file refering to a .tga file that isn't present. Remove that text-file, close and commit, then it should be a go. Just make sure the .txt file you're removing doesn't have an actual texture file in the directory.
