Sources for DEM routes


19 Years of Trainz
I knew if I looked hard enough I'd find the site I got the DEM for the DHR route. The link is an FTP site:

What you want is Version1 - it has all the major land masses listed. Under those lists are ZIP files named for the N/S and E/W coordinates like "" and the like. If you download these ZIP files and use MicroDEM it can open the ZIP files without you having to unZIP them. MD can also stitch together two files if your area of interest spans them.

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That link+TransDEM+TRS2006+Google Earth+Accurate track plans and templates=impossibly accurate rail laying:p


Yes, the most important DEM resource outside the US and Canada.

However, I would go for version 2. Many fixes for water bodies compared to version 1, and quite a few holes filled, too. There is also a version 3 around, but not on this server and not in .hgt format.

I thought about directing users to Version2, but when you punch down there isn't anything but "Region-x" and if you aren't sure what "region" you're looking for it can be confusing. You end up going through each region trying to find your N/S & E/W coords. If you can start at "Australia" then you are reasonably sure that you will find the S/E coords you want.

You are definitely right about the fixes for bodies of water and other stuff like larger rivers, but, given the accuracy of TRS itself (+/- 10M) it really doesn't matter for most Trainzers.

hi guys

how do i know what i need for the brisbane region?

can i just use a street directory if i cant get this going?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking for. At the very least you would need to know the Lat/Lon of the NorthWest corner and the SouthEast corner of you area of interest. Then, you'd have to go to the site and download the specific file(s) for that area. Then you'd have to load them into MicroDEM (or another mapping program) and make a bitmap of your area of interest + a "fudge factor" around it and apply it to a new route in TRS. In TRS2006 it's a little trickier, but not unsurmountable.

There are some excellent tutorials on the subject of producing DEM's out there. Mine is located at the Virtual Railroader site; seventh article down.

For US SRTM 1 arc sec data in version 2, download the overview image, available at the same place. This explains the regions.

Trainz route builders in the Western and Southern hemisphere, keep in mind that western longitudes and southern latitudes are negative. SRTM DEMs in hgt format are identified by their SW corner coordinates. "Add" one degree to latitude or longitude if S or W.

Anyway, for US routes I would go for USGS data, called "NED", downloabable from "seamless server". They offer 1 arc sec and 1/3 arc sec, even 1/9 arc sec. 1 arc sec is of better quality than SRTM (terrestrial data vs. orbital data). 1/3 arc sec is ideal for Trainz (10 m grid).

For Canada you have CDED data in 0.75 arc secs for many areas.


DEMs are for terraforming, no real substitute here. The only suitable alternative would be a good topographic map as the base for your own DEM where you would trace contour lines. (My Wacol screenshot yesterday showed the DEM displayed in combination with a map and a GE image.)

hi bill
i live near brisbane australia and i am trying to get the data for the brisbane line to toowoomba.
the best that i can do with a readers digest atlas is
153degrees by 27.5 degrees.

i know that sounds dumb but thats the best i can do from the map that i have

maybe you can instruct me on how to find that from the datafiles.

i got this one down but it still does not tell me anything.

sorry to be a nuisance
thanks ron
G'day Misterchugg,

My apologies for taking so long to respond to this thread but I was not in a position to confirm my suspicions before this. I have been taking a keen interest in this thread but have refrained from posting because I could not confirm that I have already completed the route you want (for someone else), because the route was on another computer to which I have only just been able to gain access . This route is DEM based and covers the complete Brisbane area (or much of it) and the line to Ipswich (including the rail tracks into Carole Park that you want) along with some areas of importance elsewhere. This route is currently available as a 13 mega Byte file in *.cdp format, for which I am quite willing to provide a copy to you. As I have no web-space to upload this, the best method of getting it to you will be via "yousendit", for which I will need your e-mail. I could otherwise send a copy of the file on a CD to any address you care to designate (world-wide and at NO cost to you). Please advise me of me your desired delivery option (assuming you want the route).

Jerker {:)}
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