Sound problem


Trainz Driver
When driving a train, I noticed that the sound had gone. I had to restart Trainz to get the sound back. This often eems to happen, especially on Hawes Junction and a Berlin U-bahn route I downloaded. Anyone know why?
Hi ppalfrey,

Sound is always a bit of a problem in TRS2006. The best results I have found is 1. Do not use an on board soundcard, pci cards are much better. 2. Reduce your sound acceleration by at least one notch. 3. keep your output slider at max, if the sound is too loud turn down your speakers not the slider.

I discovered that when a train is panned center on the screen, the sound disappears. If you pan to either left or right it comes back. Is that what was happening?

I was able to fix the problem, but I have a very esoteric and complicated sound driver (the KX Audio driver) that not many people use.

The sound in TRS2006 has a lot of problems, sad to say.

Mick Berg.
How do I adjust the settings for sound in TRS2006?

Hi nicky9499,
If you mean the sound acceleration I mentioned, go to start, settings, control panel, double click sounds&audio, audio then in advanced, performance you will see a slider for audio acceleration. move the slider one click left.

I understand now, previously thought the settings were in Trainz. I'm not sure about others, but when playing games, I realize that the more you reduce your sound quality, the better the game performs.

By the way Bill, my motherboard doesn't have built in sound support, so I'll have to rely on the sound card.
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Sad to say,but the only way to really overcome the sound deficiencies of 06,is to throw money at it.I have just upgraded my sound card from a Creative Audigy, to one of the latest Creative X-Fi cards and what a difference.No sound fades & far more realistic & immersive.Using 3rd party steam sounds and kicking out the Auran built in one also helps the realism.
If TC3 has sound improvements built in,I am really looking forward to trying it.
Regards Bruce
Hi Bill,
It is a Creative X-Fi platinum-Fatal1ty Champion series 7.1.ebuyer had it on special offer,and I couldn't resist it.
Regards Bruce
Hi Bruce,

Looks like it's higher spec than my one. I have the X-Fi extreme audio and find I still have to reduce the acceleration one notch. It is still not up to the quality of sound in TRS2004. The main beef I have with the sound is that a steam loco sounds exactly the same at 70mph. as it does at 20 mph.

Hi Bruce,

The main beef I have with the sound is that a steam loco sounds exactly the same at 70mph. as it does at 20 mph.


That's what I mean about kicking out the built in steam sound,it's terrible!!
One grouse I do have now,I can hear that invisible train much more.It always was there but with the old card,you could sort of forget it,now it is just irritating.Don't know of any way to get rid of it.Just hope TC3 will dispose of it.
Regards Bruce
This is only a theory, but maybe some kind of crude surround sound is implemented in TRS06 and messing with the levels of the different surround channels will help things. As I say, only a theory.
Mick Berg.
This is only a theory, but maybe some kind of crude surround sound is implemented in TRS06 and messing with the levels of the different surround channels will help things. As I say, only a theory.
Mick Berg.

Hi Mick,

Maybe there is some surround sound in TRS2006, but with surround sound on it sounds worse than ever, so I only use the front speakers when in TRS2006.

For a long time now, the Tr06 sound problems have annoyed me, in particular the deisel locos fade in and out. I must say that when the engine sounds are there, they sound great and realistic. However, disappointment looms when the great sound fades out. I have windows XP sp2 and have tried dropping the sound acceleration back by one notch, but it just flicks back to full on, it won't apply/save. Has anyone else found this? I may look into a specialist sound card rather than relying on the default motherboard sound, should no solution be found.
Cheers, Trev. :)
I have the x-fi audio card and yes it improved, but I still get the loud as hell close, medium ok, and pan out farther it goes nuts. This is a game bug, nothing will fix it, there are tons of posts on this subject.

Can you make it better with a more expensive card-->yes
Can you fix it completely-->no

The sound bugs never should of made it into 06, and as a steam fan it really ticks me off, but short of waiting for a fix all you can do is keep the camera farther back from the train!

Apart from all the expensive fixes, sound problems seems to settle down in game if you flick to map view then back to a train view. I'm not sure why this happens. Basic sound in TC is even more patchy than TRS2006.
Is that so? I have always had this mindset that everything TC was better than everything 04/06. Come to think of it, I've been anticipating TC3...
I've tried three different sound cards ranging from $50 to $150 and they don't do much help. Can we copy MSTS' sound system and use it in Trainz? The rolling sounds are pleasing, and the dynamic brakes actually have their own unique sound.
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