Hello Good-Evening&Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading the stuff about TC3 (Goodies n bug fixes) on the UK site I'm impressed (Cheers and thanks to Mike10 and the UK Lads) and as a loyal Trainzer I will say I'm in!!!$$$ and as it might be the last installment???????????????????????? of our beloved Sim???????
With Kujo now out n about ........and the dreaded MSTS on the Horizon maybe a show of Support from us Loyal Auranitez would spur the Team on to Trainz Perfection!....
I'm in $ :udrool: QR in TC3
Who else is getting on board the Last Trainz Outa Town
After reading the stuff about TC3 (Goodies n bug fixes) on the UK site I'm impressed (Cheers and thanks to Mike10 and the UK Lads) and as a loyal Trainzer I will say I'm in!!!$$$ and as it might be the last installment???????????????????????? of our beloved Sim???????
With Kujo now out n about ........and the dreaded MSTS on the Horizon maybe a show of Support from us Loyal Auranitez would spur the Team on to Trainz Perfection!....
I'm in $ :udrool: QR in TC3
Who else is getting on board the Last Trainz Outa Town