So Who's in for Trainz Classics 3


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
Hello Good-Evening&Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading the stuff about TC3 (Goodies n bug fixes) on the UK site I'm impressed (Cheers and thanks to Mike10 and the UK Lads) and as a loyal Trainzer I will say I'm in!!!$$$ and as it might be the last installment???????????????????????? of our beloved Sim???????
With Kujo now out n about ........and the dreaded MSTS on the Horizon maybe a show of Support from us Loyal Auranitez would spur the Team on to Trainz Perfection!....
I'm in $ :udrool: QR in TC3
Who else is getting on board the Last Trainz Outa Town

NEXT!............ :p
I will be buying not as a gesture of support for Auran, but because it has (claimed ;)) important improvements and an excellent route and assets.

Plus I'm scared of Mike10 paying me a visit if I don't buy!
Considering it actually...... so not an out and out "no" like my verdict on TC1+2 :confused:

Guess I'll make up my mind when it's out.
I will support Auran with buying TC3 and I'm looking forward to the goodies contained in TC3. :)


Put me down on the list, heck, I'll probably buy a few more copies and leave them in the gloveboxes of my friend's cars:cool:

I'm also very impressed with what I have read, put me down for a copy.
I may get a copy for my buddy too, and surprise him.:)

Debatable, wouldn't be for at least a month after release.
Pros - list of fixes, I hope its CMP doesn't prevent the menus items I cannot access currently.
Cons - I'd probably disbale/delete a bunch of stuff as I run North American content and would need to spend time transferring stuff from existing Classics over. Plus I would like to see comments from those that get it.
I'm in - I would add that anyone buying expecting something list MSTS's representation of the route may be pleasantly suprised - though I'd like to see the AI handle the diamonds and pointwork at Carlisle ;) - I've never got the AI to work properly over the junction in this sim (on my own creations) and the MSTS trackwork is just plain incorrect so you physically cannot have realistic movements.

I plan to buy it. I fear my PC might need an upgrade or two (it struggles with TRS04 sometimes), but the improvements and bug fixes sound good, and that new Class 40 looks excellent.
I know I've already said yes (probably), but if it's a big enough update that trw1089 would postpone the release of his 2-8-0 until its release, that's gotta count for something. :)
Put me down for a couple of copies, one for me and one for "She who must be obeyed".


ouch, just received a clip in the ears, my Darling is reading over my shoulders.
Count me in for TC3 - while the route will be interesting, I'm more looking forward to all the improvements in the engine.

trw1089 would postpone the release of his 2-8-0 until its release
I had been wondering what was going on with that loco. I must say I'm not working real hard on any of my steam engines at the moment either, though.
