So thats how you do that...

Was that Mythbusters or something?
It is rather MythBusters-esque destruction, isn't it?

Unfortunately, it looked too European for it to be MythBusters.

(Besides, they would have used High Explosives... :p )
The fun part would be to find the vacuum that collapses a tank car, draw out almost that amount, then throw a rock. When the impact vibrates the skin, the car should fall in on itself.
I was thinking about walking up and slapping the side, but the collapse looks a little violent to get that close.

:cool: Claude
woah...I've always seen pictures of the aftermath, but I had no idea it happened so quickly.:eek:

Frikkin' sweet!
The first music was limp bizkit, but it's barely music really. :hehe:
Don't recognise the second piece of music.

I don't think I saw this when it was first posted (probably on one of my long breaks from Trainz), so I thank Baureihe41 for bringing it back.

I'm sure I won't be the only one that missed this first time around, so the bump police can go and sit in the corner and get over it.

It seems Godzilla has somehow found a cloaking device.

I remember seeing this long, long, ago on some other site. I believe it was footage from some safety commission demo (correct me if I'm wrong) illustrating why proper service and operations are so important.

...And if Mythbusters had done this, it would have exploded, not imploded.