'Slipped' Junctions


New member
Just finished reading an article by JKing on 'slipped' junctions. I cannot find any of the parts mentioned on DLS or Surveyor F3. Any help will be welcomed:confused:
I,ve got the tutorial printed in front of me now and there aren't any "parts" as such. It just uses standard track, any one you fancy.

If you don't like the default levers look in track tab, middle button at top and change them.

hope this helps
Slipped junctions

Hi Thanks for replying. The junctions mentioned are JK junctions and the article tries to explain how to wire them. Simple slips are easy, but I am having difficulty with the diamond crossing & double slips. My levers keep going to one side only and are then not able to operate.
I have tried John King's website but no connection seems possible.
Hi again
I think you (or me) might have their wires crossed ( no pun intended):hehe:
When you mentioned "wiring" a junction the only ones I know about are Andi06's animated Junction Kits. Is that where you got the JK from?

you can find Andi's site here http://www.ajsmith.nildram.co.uk/trs/
where there are downloadable instructions for his junctions in PDF format.

John Kings article simply tells you how to make slip switches. Unless he's got a new tute I know nothing about.
I can't get his site up either.

hope this makes sense.