SkodaTrainz's HST Problem


New member
Hi all i have downloaded 43175 prince micheal of kent and the other two but when i go into the download station and select search for the KUID it comes up with no result found here is the KUID :<kuid:91431:53001>

But when i type it in in the download station it says no downloads found your match!"
Of course it does. Built-in content is as it says, built-in to your Trainz program. It is not available on the DLS or anywhere else. What fault are you getting and which version of Trainz have you got?
I have just checked. Kuid:-10:185 is a paintshed template so will only show up in Paintshed. Remember also that Paintshed reskins will only show up once you have created something in Paintshed and saved it. It doesn't matter what, you can always delete it afterwards. All this is explained in the manual on the CD/DVD.