I agree here, it's not only you freightcar2, but a few other members as well (who shall remain nameless). I think everyone should take a minute to read the CoC and work on their proper forum conduct. I, and I am sure many other members as well, find it frustrating and annoying to come home from school, work, or what have you to read the forum for useful information, only to find worthless posts that could have been avoided by either a quick search of the forums, the DLS, or even some simple thought beforehand. So before you go off running to the Trainz Community Forum saying that you're leaving because we're being mean, just realize this, no one is telling you we would like you to leave, all we ask is to put forth some thought beforehand. Afterall, you wouldn't ask some beautiful girl out before thinking about what you're going to say, would you? :hehe: I think we all should take a minute and think of a way we can make this forum a better place by practicing the rules placed by the CoC a little better.
Good night, and good luck!
-Jesse DuBois- :wave: