Similar Alternatives to This Particular RR Crossing?


Routelayer Ordinaire...
Hey All,

Please take a look at this picture. This is a crossing that was made by Cloaked Ghost and it's great but I find that roads other than his don't line up properly with it. Has anyone else made a crossing such as this and if so, do they know the name/KUID of it? :rolleyes:

Gisa ^^
Thanks for the reply Gangsta_Boi, but I only have trs2004 for now, so I can't see anything by him. @@
Try the DLS on the site and check the 2006 box and they'll come up. The link is at the top of the page. I recomend his crossings too. They are amazing.
They are nice crossings, I agree, but they share the same problem as cloaked ghost's crossings (aside from being TRS2006), they only work correctly with BNSF50's own roads. Roads that conform to Auran's built-in roads don't meet the crossing correctly.
Cloaked Ghost has those crossing towers on the DLS as a freestanding scenery item. Maybe you could place them alongside another crossing which does match your roads...

Andy :)
Thanks for the replies all...

Like I said, I only have trs2004 for now (my machine would be too slow to run trs2006 or tc for now anyhow). I find the standard crossings? work fine for my purposes except for two things:

1) the gates come down too late and the bell always rings :( Does anyone know how to adjust the timing delay, so it will come down sooner?

2) What I would really like most of all is that metal bridge/boom over the crossing itself. Do you know what I mean? If you look in the picture it looks like an inverted L grey metal support structure that hangs over the road with bells. :) They have one like that near my folks home. Does anyone know the name of that item? If that was a seperate item in itself, I could just download that particular piece and add it manually to the crossing and I would be quite content then. :)

Gisa ^^
...erm - the answer to Question 2 is exactly my post above yours :)

It works in TRS04. It is made by Cloaked Ghost. It is called a Crossing Tower. On the DLS it lives here.

Andy :D


Sorry Derrmy, I totally misundertood that! I thought you meant I could put it into the background so I could see that on another track while I was driving on a different one. That way I could have fooled the eyes into thinking it was a valid crossing.

Ah, now I understand. :D Thanks...sorry I just woke up. ;)

Gisa ^^