Silversmith's Trolleybus


New member
Hi all
I'm trying to run Silversmith's wonderful London Trolleybus on Trainz 2004.
I have downloaded all the assets and i can install the bus in Surveyor mode.
But when i go into Driver mode it brings up the following -

Thread exception ER
Null Reference Line 788, file
Stack Dump.
Function$void@Train:: Init(),Line-1

Then the program goes back to the main menu.

What have i done wrong

Any ideas?

Trolleybus Problem


The cause of the problem may be the absence of one of andi06's items that are needed for his livery selection etc feature.

It seems that although this item is listed in the relevant config's kuid table, Trainz DLS fails for some reason to detect and download it.

Would you please therefore download from DLS
122285:4089 JK ICON RE

Hopefully, this should correct matters, if not, post here again and we'll try again.

Hi Alan
I downloaded the asset you suggested (andi06) and I installed the Kuid into Trainz 2004.

I still have exactly the same problem.

I can place the Trolleybus in Surveyor Mode but in Driver mode it brings up the following -

Thread exception ER
Null Reference Line 788, file
Stack Dump.
Function$void@Train:: Init(),Line-1

Then the program goes back to the main menu.

Everything else works fine. In the past I installed one of your Glasgow Trams without any problem.

Any other idea's Alan - - -


I don't think this is anything to do with Silversmith's buses. There should some more lines of text (you may have to page down in the message box)
Hi al

When I had problems with one of his street kit a long time ago it was because it did not have the right versiona of the assets, i had to manually download the right version check the item using Trainz Object and see what it says, it will help you.

I think (andi06) is right. I don't think this is anything to do with Silversmith's buses.

I downloaded (andi06's) Daimler bus and i have the same problem.

However, I am not sure what you mean about more lines of text.

Can you help?

The message that you posted quotes line numbers -1 and 778. These refer to locations in script code where the error is being triggered together with the programme routines involved. There is no code at these line numbers for either of the buses but there might have been additional lines referenced lower down the screen.

To check this problem out:

Use Trainz Objectz to check that you have ALL the dependencies for the buses and ALL the dependencies for the AJS PSV Code Library (kuid:122285:612)

In Surveyor, create a new map.

Lay a short length of track and place one bus, nothing else at all.

Press Ctrl-F2 to go directly to Driver.

Do you still get the error? If so please post the EXACT text of the message. If not then it will be some other problem altogether.
Hi as you may know I have Silversmiths Trolleybuses running on my layout both 4 wheeler and 6 wheeler units in both TRS2004 and TRS2006 in fact there are 8 trolleys running on the layout and not once have I had any problems with placing or running them
Hi All

I used Trainz Objectz to check that I had all the dependencies for the buses and ALL the dependencies for the AJS PSV Code Library (kuid:122285:612)

I can confirm that I have all the dependencies for the buses.

However I am missing one dependencie of the AJS PSV Code Library

Missing dependencie is as follows -
imgadd Kuid -19:6998

I have done a search on the DLS for the Kuid - Nothing Found.

Any ideas?

Ps - Thank you all for your help - I appreciate it.
Kuid:-19:6998 is built in to TRS.

If this is really missing then there is a problem with your installation.
Hi all

I have done a reinstall and I am now got the Trolleybus working thanks to all your advice.

One thing I have noticed in driver mode is that I can not use the simplfied driving controls for the Trolleybus.

However if I click on one of Silversmith's Tram's on the same layout I have the simplfied driving controls.

Any ideas?

One further question. How do I change the livery to Belfast?

Thanks once again for all your help.
6 Wheel Trolleybuses

I am glad that you are sorted on the initial problem.

Livery Selection, to Belfast or the other eleven operator's? This facility is not a feature of the London Transport model which centres round that user's system only.

However the ability to choose Belfast is incorporated within the first 'Multiple Choice' 6-wheeler which was released to DLS several weeks before The LT "stand alone" version. A reference to this is made within the "TROLLEYBUS TRANSPORT IN TRAINZ" thread, in Freeware Announcements section.

Downloading this, should bring with it, the required additional assets to operate, that is the diifferent ones to the LT.

I am unaware of any problem in gaining control of the bus you wish to "drive". I have had over twenty mixed trams, trolleybuses and omnibuses on screen in driver and all allowed me access by clicking on any of them or making use of the visual list on the screen's left hand side.

All these models are "Locomotives" and should be controllable as such. IN DCC mode, the simple 'Go,Stop' is no problem presumably? In Cabin Mode, I would think that perhaps one thing that would prevent motion is failing to have the 'Reverser' set in forward position and the brake released! But you do say that a tram does respond as you wish

Sorry, but having just double checked and finding all performs as required in either mode, I myself can offer no solution. Perhaps an answer will be forthcoming from another forum member?

Regards, Alan
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Hi all

I have 6 trolley buses a mixture of 4W & 6W loaded on a layot I am creating & testing at the moment and having no probelms at all selcting and driving different buses that I have set the destinations to different routes.
