
Hey Guys,
Does anyone know it AI can obay signal indications (e.g. speed indications) or if the signals themselves can even display these indications where appropriate such as yards or sidings? If so how does one go about doing this. Thought it would be best to point out still using TS2012 havent quiet got to use TANE as of yet.

Kindest Regards, Railsimulator09.
Search the DLS for "speed mph" or "kph" as a track accessory and you'll find a host of functional speed triggers. There are invisible speed triggers as well as visible signs. They seem to be quite reliable although in 09-12 I haven't found any dual indications where the AI driver obeys the lower limit, they all think they're passenger engineers. There is also a "Set Maximum Speed" driver command you can issue ad lib.

If you watch you may note AI drivers do reduce speed for restrictive signal indications, too.

How do I get signals to display a restricted aspect though for example I have a route that Im currently working on and I have an old small switching yard with fairly tight points and when the switches are lined to enter the yard I will onlyy get a Medium Approach aspect or somtimes Approach is there a way to get the signals to display a Restricting aspect so the trains slow to the slow speed before entering.
Place a visible or invisible speed limit in the yard just beyond the first point. The train will slow to the speed indicated before it reaches the limit.