Signalling of a single track

I am planning to put a length of single track into my route, on which 4 car passenger trains and 20 car logging trains will pass to get to and from logging camps and stations.
The single track section will be about 4km long while steadily climbing 500 meters. There will be a siding in the middle for trains to cross over. If I was to signal ever 400 metres, there would be 5 signals between one entrance and the crossover point. I am worried that if I set AI trains to spawn from a portal and complete tasks, they will end up causing trouble, as I suspect this will happen. Imagine train U going up the hill and train D going down the hill. The line would look like this:
Train D
Signal Crossover - Green
Crossover point
Signal 6 Green
Signal 7 Yellow
Signal 8 Red
Signal 9 Yellow
Signal 10 Green
Two track section becomes single track ^
Signal 11 - Green
Train U
Is there a chance that the two trains could end up blocking eachother head on if this was to happen? Would one of the trains realise that while the initial block ahead is clear, it will eventually run into another train, and stop either train and let the other one pass through? If not, is there a rule I can use that would implement this, so that the entire single track section would be checked for trains, and in the above case Train D or U would stop and let the other one pass?
Most prototype backwoods logging RR's rarely ever saw 2 or more trains in a 24 hour period, visible signals were mostly non-existant, and block paper train orders controlled train movements. With 20 trains a day, the woods would be depleted of timber in less than a year.
One signal before the single track section and no signals on the single track. Place a signal at the end of the loop section for each direction before the train re-enters the single track. No signal on the entrance to the loop. In the UK a token would be given to the driver of the train and only the driver with the token could enter that section of single track. When an up and down train meet at the loop they would exchange the tokens they had in order that they could continue on the next section of single track.

There is a driver command called "Token Management 2" by trev999. It is part of the Shedmaster package which can be downloaded free from the Potteries Loop Line website

It works in the same way as the token on the full size railway. Once a loco has taken the token other locos can't enter that section until the token has been released by the first loco when it leaves the section. It doesn't matter how many signals there are on the single line section. I'm using it for controlling traffic on Dermmys EWVR v2 route and I've not had any standoffs yet. The main thing is to keep traffic to a realistic level otherwise you will have backups of trains on the double line sections.


There is a driver command called "Token Management 2" by trev999. It is part of the Shedmaster package which can be downloaded free from the Potteries Loop Line website

It works in the same way as the token on the full size railway. Once a loco has taken the token other locos can't enter that section until the token has been released by the first loco when it leaves the section. It doesn't matter how many signals there are on the single line section. I'm using it for controlling traffic on Dermmys EWVR v2 route and I've not had any standoffs yet.

Can you explain how the "Token Management 2" works? I've downloaded Dermmy's EK3 and would like to try it out on the single-track sections of the mainline.
Another method of controlling a single line is to use the 'Control Junction' rule in the list of Driver Instructions and to use the 'Hold Junction' option. The rule should be enacted at a suitable point before the single line section is entered. The junction to select could be either one of the junctions controlling the single line or one that is on a section of line that is not used during the session. Once the junction is held by a locomotive another engine cannot access it until the single line section has been cleared by the first one and the junction has been released with the 'Control Junction' 'Release' option.

This operating method is employed on the 'Loop Line Locals' session in the Potteries Loop Line package.
Can you explain how the "Token Management 2" works? I've downloaded Dermmy's EK3 and would like to try it out on the single-track sections of the mainline.

I'd imagine you set a token to begin at one signal, and finish at another signal. If this is what the mod is, its exactly what I am looking for
Look at "IntenCity" + sessions. Watch the AI trainz circulating in both directions. It might be what you are looking for, though on a very much smaller scale.
I'd imagine you set a token to begin at one signal, and finish at another signal. If this is what the mod is, its exactly what I am looking for

Actually, no. A token is flexible in that it can apply to whatever area of the network the session planner wants to nominate. Tokens are trackmarks with names that start with a hash symbol (#). You will need the "Token Management 2" driver command from the PLL Shedmaster package to be able to implement tokens.

It is up to the session planner to ensure that there are no gate-crashers. All trains need to request a token granting permission to use the required section of track. If the token is free then the first requester is granted access and others will not be granted permission to proceed while the token is in possession of another driver.

The session planner decides what parts of the track are governed by each token. The token may be placed on an active track or on an isolated piece of track. So, an entire yard can be under the control of one token if so desired.

Usually, tokens are placed at bottle-necks, such as a single track connecting two multi-track sections, or on a long dead-ended track.

Drivers of player trains need to be given insight into what tokens they need to request, so TM2 is not really aimed at player driven trains.

Hope that helps to decide if the command is useful to you.

@ Brian - Thanks for plugging my driver commands yet again!

Best Regards

Hi jordan412

I drive through a trackmark which is placed about 50 meters before the signal controlling the entry to the single line section followed by the command Token Management 2 with the option "Request and hold token" selected and choose the token name from the list. The EVWR route has all junctions on single line sections set for the train leaving the single line section so the train approaching that section will always have a red signal and will be slowing down when it requests the token. On the exit track from the single line section I drive through another trackmark which is followed by Token Management 2 with the option "Clear my token" selected and choose the token name from the list which then releases that token for the next consist that needs to use the single line.

Tokens are trackmarks which begin with "#" followed by their name (#Tok 1 for example). I then name the request and release trackmarks in the format "Tok 1 EB Request" and "Tok 1 EB Release" for eastbound trains and "Tok 1 WB Request" and "Tok 1 WB Release" for westbound trains which helps me to remember which token I am looking for.

The driver command sequence for an eastbound train would be:

"Drive (or Navigate) via, Tok 1 EB Request"
"Token Management 2 - Request and hold token, #Tok 1"
"Drive (or Navigate) via, Tok 1 EB Release"
"Token Management 2 - Clear my token, #Tok 1"

It really is as simple as that.

The tokens can be placed anywhere on the route, even on a piece of track unconnected to the route and laid somewhere out of sight.

There are various options for how to use the command including one for clustering bids for tokens. If you have a branch from the single line for example then the command can request tokens for both the main line and branch and will prevent the consist from entering the single line until both sections are available. I have yet to explore all of the options but so far it has all worked without problems.

When you download the Shedmaster package from the website you will also get a number of other excellent rules and driver commands which help with AI session creation.

PS - I've just noticed that Trevor has replied and covered some of this while I've been typing it but I'll post it anyway.

@Trevor - You have a number of great driver commands which I don't see being used in many sessions other than the Potteries Loop Line. It's a pleasure to bring them to other peoples attention.


Can you explain how the "Token Management 2" works? I've downloaded Dermmy's EK3 and would like to try it out on the single-track sections of the mainline.

Hi Jordon412 - If you click on my banner (PLL site) and navigate to Downloads - Shedmaster, you can download the package. There are several driver commands included, so ignore everything except TM2 for now.

Token Management 2 is a complex driver command. The usage can be viewed in the "Asset Details" panel or by viewing the config file.

If you have any questions after trying out the command, feel free to ask them in this forum, or e-mail me. My e-mail address can be found in the config file.

Best Regards

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If either end of the single line block is protected by a home signal at all the entry points, that should prevent cornfield meets. I know that North American practice is to divide single line sections up with intermediate signals so that trains moving in the same direction can be "flighted" through the single line without waiting for the preceeding movement to arrive at the next crossing loop. Not sure how this could be done in the sim as effectively any train entering the section at A is going to have to lock out a train coming from B which is not going to see an oncoming train in what becomes effectively a deperate block. Just a theory (not tested) but this configuration might work with one intermediate signal in each direction spaced so that they would not cause a standoff:-


The "block" for a train entering the single line at A to the intermediate signal overlaps the equivalent block from B to its intermediate signal thus presumably preventing the home signal at B from clearing.

As I said, just a theory - might be worth having a look at the Tehachapi route in TS12 to see what was implemented on there as the prototype certainly uses intermediate signals to divide single line sections.
Been there, done that.

So I'd still recommend looking at some of my routes (and the associated sessions) that are, in essence, a single track line with crossing loops and AI trainz running in both directions plus a Player train that interacts with the AI.

Look for:
Bidye Traction (comes as one of the layouts built-in with Deluxe T:ANE and also as a DLC).

If you dissect the entrails you will discover how it can be done.

It is really quite simple once you understand that there are two types of signals - absolute and conditional. I like Jointed Rail's spotlight signals. The conditional signals have a number board on them. They can be used to break up a long stretch of track in to shorter "blocks" so that one train can follow another in the same direction. Absolute signals do not have a number board. They reach down the track, past all the conditional signals to the next absolute signal. Absolute signals should only be used at the exit of your double track areas. I have created a route about 115 miles long, all single track with 10 passing sidings with a portal at each end of the route. I can run trains all day long with no problems. Of course, it helps to use a good set of driver commands for each train.
Thanks Trev,

I was trying to recreate a typical UK situation with 8 miles of single line with no passing places but two stations with small goods yard requiring occasional service. I struggled for ages with Interlocking Towers but, although I could protect the 8 mile section for trains travelling in both directions, the junctions were locked so the 2 goods yards couldn't be serviced. IT also kept control of all junctions in the section even when no trains were running.

By using your 'Token Management 2' along with 'Control Junctions 3' the task was simply solved (although I'm sure they do more than I've so far mastered!). Add to the mix elstoko's 'Set Selected Signal State v5' and the trains don't have to slow as they approach a signal which doesn't clear until the train approaches.

For information this is in TANE SP1.

Terrific tools! Thanks again.
Glad you find the assets useful, Neil. To use IT you need to set up all paths and allow the tower to do all the switching.

Best Regards - Trevor