Signalling Issue


New member
I came up against difficulties with signalling on my route, so I just removed all the signals thinking I would wait for the promised signalling fixes in TC3.
But I just read Chuck Brite's signalling tutorial (again) and noticed something very ominous:
There’s an important ‘gotcha’ here, however. The locomotive must be facing the turnout! If it does not, you will get a false signal indication. Check out the drawing below:........
On my short suburban route there are no turntables - the locos run around the trains at each end of the route. Or the trains are push-pull units that I haven't yet implemented. So on the up journey, they are facing backwards, although at the front of the train. Is this what messed up my signalling, and is there any cure?
BTW the route is Finsbury Park to Alexandra Palace, a very picturesque line in North London, if anyone's interested.
Mick Berg.
I found that proper track laying within spline junctions and placement of signals work just fine either dirrection but I am also using 2006........

But thats a interesting note that I see many have problems with........

Is this a thing with european signaling only ?

Dave =)
The locomotive must be facing the turnout! If it does not, you will get a false signal indication. Check out the drawing below:........
On my short suburban route there are no turntables - the locos run around the trains at each end of the route.
Mick Berg.

A turnout is a junction/switch track, not a turntable.
Excuse me??? Are you suggesting that Chuck Brite doesn't know the difference between a junction and a turntable????
Mick Berg

No, you said in your post that you do not have turntables, although Chuck said turnouts, which led me to think you thought a turnout is a turntable. Sorry if I was mistaken. If I was, please word your post more carefully next time.
No, you said in your post that you do not have turntables, although Chuck said turnouts, which led me to think you thought a turnout is a turntable. Sorry if I was mistaken. If I was, please word your post more carefully next time.

Just some misunderstanding here, I think. I apologise for a somewhat carelessly worded post.

What I meant was, that since there is no turntable on my route where the loco can be truly turned around, it has to travel backwards for its down journey, although it is at the front of the train. I'm sure this was a common situation on branch lines in steam days. I'll make a test route to see if signals misbehave when the loco is oriented backwards.

BTW, Chuck Brite's tutorials are excellent. I highly recommend them.

Mick Berg.
For what it's worth, in steam days in the U.S., branch lines which did not have turntables, had a "wye"--three turnouts / junctions arranges so that the tracks formed a triangle, on which the locomotive could be turned.

For what it's worth, in steam days in the U.S., branch lines which did not have turntables, had a "wye"--three turnouts / junctions arranges so that the tracks formed a triangle, on which the locomotive could be turned.


For general info: British Railways had the same..... at least they had that layout in New England sheds, Peterbourough.

I have also had signalling issues, some of which appeared to be resolved by simply turning the loco around.

Just some misunderstanding here, I think. I apologise for a somewhat carelessly worded post.

What I meant was, that since there is no turntable on my route where the loco can be truly turned around, it has to travel backwards for its down journey, although it is at the front of the train. I'm sure this was a common situation on branch lines in steam days. I'll make a test route to see if signals misbehave when the loco is oriented backwards.

BTW, Chuck Brite's tutorials are excellent. I highly recommend them.

Mick Berg.

OK, thanks for clarification.
I was wondering if once you have run your loco around the coaches, if you then use the command Change train direction, even though the engine is facing backwards, the program reads it as facing forwards and the signals should act accordingly. this is what I do when running the branch line part of my layout - and I don't seem to have many probs with the signals. Hope this idea might work for you.
