Signalling a Y???


New member
I get this problem with Canada 1930 route Y into Lincoln.
Running 2 AI trains thru a Y:
/ \
LLeg / \ R Leg
/ 1:\
/ \ .2 3

Train one runs E , R leg to N, changes direction and runs LLeg to W no problem. A while later while Train one is far to the west [multi-switches and signals between them] Train two enters from W, Lleg to N, changes direction and runs RLeg to E....except it hangs at the Junction to E at Signal 1 [line terminated or is closed] with junction trying to switch.
No train running directly E to W.
Tried a scenario with a single train starting at N and it runs through to E
no trouble....
Any ideas what's wrong?...How to fix it...and moreimportant
How to you signal a Y juctions to handle AI's.
What is at (or beyond) 'E'? If it is a dead end, is there an end-of-track bumper? Is the track to 'E' long enough to hold the train (remembering the AI looks for a generous fit)?

Hi Glen
This is obviously a problem caused by the idiot that signalled this area so I have if you like more than an interest in the problem
So far I haven’t managed to duplicate your results but if I have selected the correct signal and junction try placing an invisible signal as shown between junctions 5986 and 6023 also move the junction lever 6023 just a fraction South so it is just outside the spline circle (you will find this signal listed under BHL and all in the signal section of surveyor)

If this clears the problem please let me know and I will incorporate this change in a revision

If I have selected the wrong junctions please give the junction numbers that are causing the problem
Trusting this helps solve the problem
Regards, Bob V (The idiot who caused the problem in the first place)
I noticed a little glitch practice in tracks and signals....
splice the track between jct 6023 and 5986 since theyre is a signal the invisible sig is a nice concept or could use a left 04 dwarf....

and since your doin ai trains might want to assign a dummy marker for the second train to go to first via drive to then a final command assuming they running to same place?
Last edited: this route and using it to testout ideas....As a long time programmer [40+yrs] I offer Glen's rule of programming - "If you want to 'idiot proof ' something give it to an idiot to test." Sorry you found one. The problem takes place as I approach Junction 5480 from Lincoln - not the other leg of the Y.
[link to screen capture on Wikfortio - can't get it to download automatically]

and how do you move a junction lever in Surveyor????
Thanks for the route - sorry you found the idiot to test things.
Tks also mtldrm38.
p.s. I should be able to export the scenario and email it to you if you wish.
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Hi Glen
No problem, pleased to find you like the route, I shall have a look at the area mentioned and see if I can find a solution
To move a switch simply go to the signals section in surveyor and use the move tool the same as you do with objects as a rule they simply slide along the track but generally will not pass a spline point
Regards Bob V

Trackplate...I can export the scenario and email it to you if you wish.
Hi Glen
That could certainly help mind I’m still no expert
I shall also have a good look at that junction later today
PS Mind I'm using 04 so 06 here would be impossible at this end
Regards Bob V
Bob V.
So!!!!!!Sorry I'm using 2006 so can't do it I guess.
I'll plug away here and see if I can't find anything also.
Tks for you kind attention.
I did a sample route of a wye

i gotta go to work but its properly signaled and spliced track 7 pic s
altogether on image shack for rest of samples y1-y7 (same screenname)

one pic shows me running 2 trains no conflicts....
Ill edit rest later gotta go....hope it works 4 ya
Hi Glen Back again
The addition of the following signals should solve the problem you will have to use the rotate object tool to place them on the correct side of the track as shown.
Again please let me know of the outcome and this will be included in an uploaded revision
Regards Bob V

Addition of Signals

The addition of the three signals worked well so far..
trains running on schedule. I'll export the session and send it to you
if for no other reason that to be added to you collection:
is to add a couple of through passengers via the portals to complicate the
traffic patterns. So far I've used Magicland's RDC [ProTrainz]...
Question: is there such a thing as an invisible enginee????

MTLDRM38....could only get the one picture...would like the rest
as I've a few Y's to construct and would like to use your explanation
to work them out on....Alternatively if you could zip and email them.
tks to you both.
Hi Glen
Great stuff and thanks for the info, is amazing what a junction number will reveal.
Hopefully a full revision of the route will be available soon including these signal changes at the moment I’m still waiting for jankvis’s response to the kuid number change documented in the announcements thread but I believe he is still on holiday
May I suggest you apply you scenario to the later version when available and then upload it for the benefit of the whole community?
Meanwhile if you spot any item regardless of how small you consider could be improved please let me know I only noticed the missing power pole near Marlboro when someone else posted a picture here on the forum
Regards Bob V
Wish List

Dear BobV
I suggest and this is not a criticism - that you put portals at JFE &/or Lincoln as well as Great Lakes...This would allow you to simulate East-West runs as well as North-South runs. I'm trying to set up a scenario whereby a run comes from the North...splits into S & E with local traffic running West...Conversely comming in from the S & E, joining and going north.
Additionally....on you layout map if you could add broad/heavy lines where it is double tracked.

Thanks again for the help....It was appreciated.
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Have two more problems to be corrected.
1.AI train starting at portal PortJarvis Start wanders off into the yard.
Solution: add a track marker PJRRA just east of Junction 7395 pointing East and use drive by trackmarker rule.
2. Same sort of problem at Malboro...Add MLBSTN marker North of JU5727 and AI's figure it out themselves with the drive via trackmarker on the way to Marlboro.
I added some invisible track behind the Edson Station and placed BrakeMan1 and BrakeMan2 on it. [I could equally have put Army Truck or something else configured as a Enginee like a forklift or a hearse]. I will use them to move drivers arround consists without loosing schedules or
maybe just have them load/unload a truck from the station platform, or if I can figure it out have them check a consist for hotboxes via a trigger. For that matter I could just make everything invisible and forget about it.
[The mind - at least mine - boggles at the thought].
Just about got the next bit of the scenario/session done.
Hi Glen
My you have been busy, I will certainly have a look at you suggestions for inclusion in the update
Regards Bob V