Signalbox screenies....


New member
Hello all, wondered if with so many different kinds of signal boxes created on the DLS, some of you may want to post your favourites, inside or out, it doesn't matter, any country, any layout.....I'll start.......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.





thanks to photobucket for hosting.
Sorry guys, not sure what is happening here. Of the 4 pics I posted, 2 of them have now disappeared, I will ask Auran if there is a problem, but with it being Friday night, unsure when I will get an answer...

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
If I try to direct to the images that you posted in the first message, it tells me there isn't a pic there (ie 404 error), which is slightly strange compared to other messages in this thread, but consistant with what I can actually see.