shy track, post HF2 in 78223


since 10 Aug 2002
In my long running route spanning versions since TRS2004, I noticed that in some parts, the track seems to be reluctant to appear, Trains still see them since the continue driving over seemingly trackless terrain. In the following sequence of images, the ground has been set to transparent, in case there was anything underground.
As it appears up close, zoomed out just before the blue lines, zoomed out showing the blue track lines
TANE 78223 disappearing track1.JPG TANE 78223 disappearing track2.JPG TANE 78223 disappearing track3.JPG

As it appears up close, zoomed out just before the blue lines, zoomed out showing the blue track lines
TANE 78223 disappearing track4.jpg TANE 78223 disappearing track5.JPG TANE 78223 disappearing track6.JPG

As it appears up close, zoomed out showing the blue track lines
TANE 78223 disappearing track7.JPG TANE 78223 disappearing track8.JPG

Any ideas what could cause this behavior?
Knowing that leaving the built-in rulers in the route can have a very detrimental effect on performance, I have been removing them whenever I find them, in case they are contributing to this issue.
I've had the same pre-78223 with Andi's track and with other track such as the JR NS track (non-procedural track). It seems to be something with the rendering engine not catching up to the rest of the simulator, and I thought it was something with my system. Now that I think of it, in some really complex routes in TS12 I've seen the same problem as well.
