I have decided to light my bridge over a reservoir. The fictitious Patton Reservoir, just a few miles east of the town of Tehachapi, named after my favorite American war general, with an "Army Corps of Engineers" reservoir access road entrance sign, I built myself as a mod to the packaged route, Mojave Sub, has a park area on its shores, a fictitious marina and fictitious residents who live around it. It will need imaginary power for those things anyway. Perhaps the fictitious reservoir/water resources authority of Kern County California, is willing to spend imaginary tax dollars to illuminate the fictitious highway bridge. A longer bridge over water just looks more impressive lit at night anyway. The fictitious railroad bridge running parallel to this highway bridge side by side is not illuminated but has telegraph poles/telephone lines strung across it. The Mojave Sub now run by BNSF/UP, I believe, used to be under the auspices of SP and ATSF, and my very own imaginary version of Mojave Sub is supposedly owned and operated solely by SP. Southern Pacific locomotives dominate my route. There are a couple of Union Pacific and Santa Fe locos too and a couple green BN speeders since no orange SP speeders are available.
I have decided to use "peron lampa 5" by hottrainz on account of its pretty, green decorative lamp post and that even though the light globe emits a yellow halo effect (diffusion), it casts no light pool. I hate light pools in Trainz and most light content on posts or towers include them. They are annoying and do not act like real-world light reflected on the ground at all. On solid ground, platforms or slabs, I sink the lamp posts or towers low enough, using the height tool, so no light pool is visible. On a bridge span, I can't do this since the light pool hangs off the edge of the deck and the deck is relatively thin so I have to use one of the few light-pool-less street light content available.