Should I? (Mining, 18-inch Mancha trammer question) - 1280x1024


Joined: 28th Oct. 2002
Hello guys/gals,

It's been a long time, and it might be longer - but after a week trying to update a long ago made model that was "lost" and not fully succeeding as I no longer has the gmax files for it, and no wish to redo it from older gmax files, I've come to the conclusion that if I release it, what I show below is what it will look like.

Thanks to help from Ben Neal last year it got working "stuff" for the cab - but I don't think the brake, engine spec and so on is correct at all. It feels to powerful in DCC, and as I only play with it, there is where I use it. ;)
Sound is also off - anyone want to tackle that - write me.

There, with that said, I have darken the textures on it as I use it underground in my mines to travel around - I've tried to use texture swapping, but using a ready made script (Superscript) I wasn't able to fulfill what I wanted, so I decided to keep it dark only.

Should a need arise to have it in "daylight color", this is now the thread to let me know, or else, this is the only model of it that will come from my "shop" for the foreseeable future.

Down the road, I might tackle the rebuild of it, and add stuff I wanted for this model - but for now, this is it.

Being screen shot forum - and I know, maybe not the full correct part, I will now post the 4 shots I have of it.
But, as I wanted the shots to be big, this was the only forum part I was allow to do it in. :)

First out, the front of the engine in the dark

Second you see the back/side, still in the dark...

Then, someone behind us turned on the light...

And, while it was not him, we still see the front in the light of a Mancha 1,15 ton trammer engine... ;)

So, this is it, this is what I most likely now will share with the world next week.
A 18-inch Trammer, with no correct sound, bell, engine spec or anything - but it provides a way to get around inside my tunnels and rest is just "make believe" and it's good enough for me.

One day, I get around to do a new model of it, with a removable driver, way to hung up the back part so it fits inside a cage, and if I'm real lucky, a way to have the skin change as one enter/leave the underground world and see daylight again.

Till then, you might find me underground! ;)

All the best
Oh linda! that looks fantastic! how do you do those underground scenes?!?
I wish a Trainz allowed things like that, it would be soo cool.
Hi Sean & Chris,

Thank you.

Sean, how I do those scenes, well, I enter gmax, whip up a track spline with a wall around it, to look like a tunnel, put on dark textures, put in a config, enter it into TRS2004 and put my self in there and voilà. ;)

Here is a picture of the basic setup I did long time ago - textures are a little different now - and models are still months away, except for the Mancha as I have had a couple of request for that one. :)


This scene shows the spline track (tunnel is visible from inside/along track, but not seen from outside, thanks to single side textures and all. I also has non tunnel track, just the rail which I put a cover on top of (very tricky to do right) so I can have a junction - and last, I have a very basic yet to be finished industry load part where you see all those timbers on top of each other. One day, when my life settles enough to actually have fun again, I will get back to this part, till then it is mostly little stuff for my self and dreaming about the day I have enough little stuff to put together a scene to share with people and get some Wows from them to cheer me up on. :D

Being that Trainz really have no good support for underground a scene like this has many flaws, and also put some stress down to the creator - both in the modeling program, and in Surveyor - I find my self working just from time to time with the basic setup of this stuff.
I put it here as a way to share with those interested - and as a way to see how interested people are. ;)
It all comes down to motivation you know. :)

You both gave me some with your comments, but I can't act much upon it now sadly.

Till we meet again, look for me underground, you might find me around...

Best wishes

if you'd release that route there Linda, i'd love to come and join yah, beatin' on some rocks, mining is fun!
Hello Sean, others,

Sorry, that route is way of limit for anybody, mostly none mine either - I just added a few more mines so it no longer was a Poverty Mine route, but a Prosperity Mine route... LOL

But, of other news, this might be of interest.


This is the two Mancha locomotives that are now on the way to the DLS...


A better look at the "outside" version of the locomotive, the other is pictures in the tunnel views above.

I hope this might find some use to people, and maybe some knowledgeable one will help in getting it improved with better sounds and a engine spec that might be way better then the one I have used now.

I also realize a track might be needed, so the one you see partly on the left on the above picture is also on the way to the DLS.
It comes in two versions, one is 3m long, the other is 1,5 meter long.
They both is of the Mesh-reducing (MRT) kind, making them have a inbuilt LOD that may make them look strange from a distance.

This due to the fact Trainz had a fault in the way it renders the LOD version, it don't support bending, making the low polygon version be straight parts barely connecting to each other in a curve.
The 1,5 meter is to better improve the look on sharp curves - but please don't use it all over, as it will kill your frame rates.

I have more parts in this system, but for now they will stay with me as they are unfinished parts and I prefer to put out good assets, not half way finished - even if the Mancha is sort of a unfinished model (always a exception to a rule, right? :D)

That was it, till next time

Best wishes


Just a quick note to say both locomotives are on the DLS (and already at TPR it seems too ;))

Have fun with it

Hi Linda,

I haven't been on here for a while, but your email perked my curiousity:cool:
Your stuff looks as great as ever. My interests consists of a large cycle of planes, trains and boats (right now I'm out to sea...LOL), but when I swing around this was again, I'll be sure to pick up a couple of these.

Keep digging...I'm sure the mother load is right behind the next blast;)
One day, I get around to do a new model of it, with a removable driver, way to hung up the back part so it fits inside a cage, and if I'm real lucky, a way to have the skin change as one enter/leave the underground world and see daylight again.
Well, you can, with Eldavo's Chameleon Livery switching script, and/or the AJS Superscript.