Shoukd this have been "The real East Coast Main Line?"


Old Stager
Should this have been "The real East Coast Main Line?"

I needed a "rest" from Hard News yesterday, so in between trying to get my car sorted out, (it requires some welding for the MOT), I spent a lot of time on my "Trainz" hobby.

I've been really doing some extensive running on a Route centered around the "North Yorkshire Moors" railway.

I deceided that, using my Railway Clearing House route maps from 1904, I would extend operations.

In reality, that very scenic but little used line along the North Sea Coast from Middlesborough to Scarborough has long been removed, (even pre Beeching), but on my Yorkshire Trainz layout it is still in situ and seeing quite an extensive service.

I spent hours yesterday using my "Surveyor" software and I have re-instated the line from Middlesboro' to Eston.

I have done the maths, and today I am going to start building the route Southwards further along the coast from Scarboro' through Seamer, Bridlington,Driffield, Beverley, as far as Hull.

I will then be able to run a service for well over 100 miles all along the coast of The North Sea.

You have probably heard about the "East Coast Main Line" on the News particularly over Easter when the line was closed in part for maintainance?

Well, if a huge section of the line I am working on had not been closed, then this should have been the "Real East Coast Line", and there would still have been a viable alternative for Rail Passengers.

I still think that between them, British Railways and Doctor Beeching were extremely short-sighted, and should have thought more carefully before closing lines simply because of economics.
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Quote:"Sounds great young man, will you be doing this in TRS2004 please ??"

Wrong on two counts, first, I'm not a "man", last time I looked I was a woman, :O)
Neither am I "young". I'm sixty-three next month. :eek:

Yes, I only ever work in 2004, but please realise that this route is based on a Route that has already been available on the DLS for some time, "Heartbeat".

All I am doing is modifying it for my own enjoyment.
I'm terribly sorry Sandie, I'd only just got up and still a bit sleepy.... :o
I must remember to check people's profiles before I put my foot in it.....

"Seward" theres already someone doing Whitby - Scarborough and making an excellent job of it to judge from screenies - I recognised Prospect Hill straight away.There was supposed to be an extesion of the East Coast Main Line from Thirsk to Hull via the Malton And Driffield Junction Railway, which would have given a direct line from the North to Hull.Due to cah shortages however it ended up as a single track branc with the junction at Driffield facing away from Hull, so it closed to passengers in 1950 and goods in 1958.BTW one of the insanities of Beeching was closure of Northallerton - Ripon - Harrogate in 1968.Ironically later that year DP2 crashed at Thirsk and the Ripon line had to be briefly reopened for diversions.
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Quote:" theres already someone doing Whitby - Scarborough"

The "Heartbeat 2004" series of layouts already on the DLS are excellent, and it is this route that I am using as the "base" for all my extensions.

Now that the NYMR is running trains into Whitby, it makes it even more enjoyable.

Because the NYMR is a "Heritage" line, I can use many different and varied locos and items of stock, that would not have been used on the line when it was still being operated under the auspices of British Railways.

regards, Sandie.
Can you remake the section of the NYMR

I think the land scaping is brilliant ans texturig is good but the building you use leaves little to desire. Oh yeah can you make NYMR how it looks today.

Yours Klambert
I'm happy with the way it is, Klambert, but if you d/l the "Heartbeat" route, there would be nothing stopping you making it appear the way you would like to see it.

I have already added a stabling point and turntable at the Pickering end. :)
That's awesome, Sandie. The rail companies, both private and public, did a lot of 'cost-cutting' moves around here too and have severed or lifted some alternative routes as well. If the old Eastern Route was still connected at Newburyport, for example, the MBTA wouldn't have had to truck their commuter equipment around the burned out Danvers River bridge. They could of simply run up to Rockingham Jct., and picked up the B&M Portland Division mainline back to Boston.

Thanks, John. Yes, I often wonder what our railways would be like if the majority of those long-closed lines had been left alone.

One of the beauties of Trainz is that ability to "make-believe" and to "pretend" that those closures never happened.
Thanks, John. Yes, I often wonder what our railways would be like if the majority of those long-closed lines had been left alone.

One of the beauties of Trainz is that ability to "make-believe" and to "pretend" that those closures never happened.

I wonder that sometimes too when I'm driving along and see a severed line. There are so many cut lines up here in northeastern Massachusetts it's hard to believe. I found out that many were cut during the 1930s or shortly after because of the hard times of the Great Depression. In some ways the towns regret the cut out lines because they could have been used for commuter service as the traffic is getting horrific in this area of the state. In other cases, however, with the more recently abandoned lines, these became bike trails, which we all hate. There also places where NIMBYs have moved in and put gardens and garages across the ROW so these are now impossible to open up again.

The former Eastern RR which I was talking about, lost the drawbridge across the Merrimack River during the early 1970s when it stuck open. The line has since been ripped out south to Newbury where there's a new commuter station, and abandoned north all the way to Hampton where the line starts up again to Rockingham Junction. There has been talk of reopening the line again, but who knows when that will happen. I suppose when gas gets up to $15 a gallon, they might consider it because this is an oceanside route and the area is popular with tourists.

I agree that this is what makes Trainz so great. We can recreate the world where this never happened, although on my big Enfield and Eastern, I did include a few abandoned ROW in the old industrial areas that no longer need service.

I In other cases, however, with the more recently abandoned lines, these became bike trails, which we all hate.

What a shame! What could be better than taking the bike to the nearest "Rail Trail" and going off for an adventure? Gradients are pretty tame for biking and one can easily imagine being on a lovely steam loco as one travels through cuttings, over bridges etc. Of course I get some strange looks as I cycle by making steam exhaust sounds....... but I am having fun!

In summary: You ain't gonna get them tracks back ......... so you might as well enjoy the 'right of way'!

Well, John, and Colin, it CAN happen you know. The narrow gauge Welsh Highland Railway is a prime example. They have almost completed the whole route from Caernarvon to Portmadoc, in North Wales, a distance of over forty miles. It is due to open next year, although three quarters of the track has already been laid, tunnels strengthened, and new bridges built.

The original line closed way back in the '30's, but because of the type of terrain it was originally built in, (mountainous), the trackbed was left alone, and not built over or blocked.

This is a very exciting project indeed, and this will make this Railway the longest steam operated line in Britain.

Can't wait to pay them a visit once it's all up and running.

For more info on this, just run a search for "WHR" or "Welsh Highland Railway".

You can also reach it from the Ffestiniog website, that has built-in links.
Did you check-out the Kuids I posted in another forum on this site. They were Yorkshire Pt 8 Kuid 156702:100416 and Yorkshire Pt6 Kuid 156702:667. They take you from Scarborough TO Bridlington and Bridlington to Hull.

Regerds Dave.