I recently extended my route by around 10 kms and some sessions that had worked perfectly well before now crash whilst others are OK. I have worked out that the sessions affected are the busy ones where there are several AI trains and parked wagons in sidings and the crash always occurs at exactly the same place - in an urban area. It isn't a frame rates issue but a full blown crash - fatal error, blue screen, the lot!
Clearly there is a combination of things at work here - extended route, urban area, AI trains, parked wagons all give the computer more work to do. But, when it comes to rectifying the problem, where should my priorities lie? My instinct told me to "thin out" the urban area where the problem occurs but this seems far less effective than removing some AI trains. Yet the crash always occurs at exactly the same spot so something on the route must trigger it.
Any advice would be welcome.
Clearly there is a combination of things at work here - extended route, urban area, AI trains, parked wagons all give the computer more work to do. But, when it comes to rectifying the problem, where should my priorities lie? My instinct told me to "thin out" the urban area where the problem occurs but this seems far less effective than removing some AI trains. Yet the crash always occurs at exactly the same spot so something on the route must trigger it.
Any advice would be welcome.