Session info after load

That's not a fantastic amount of information to go on...

we need to know what version of Trainz, session info/name, route info/name, a step by step walkthrough of how you came about the problem (for example. 1. Load TRS, 2. clicked on Driver, 3. selected saved sessions. etc,) a reasonably detailed description of the problem and what you were doing in TRS before you saved the session.


That's not a fantastic amount of information to go on...

we need to know what version of Trainz, session info/name, route info/name, a step by step walkthrough of how you came about the problem (for example. 1. Load TRS, 2. clicked on Driver, 3. selected saved sessions. etc,) a reasonably detailed description of the problem and what you were doing in TRS before you saved the session.


I have Trainz railroad simulator 2006 limited edition dvd and sp1.
1) i load TRS 2) click on Driver 3) select a session, play (and i can see "session info") and save the session 4) And when i load the saved session and play, the "session info" is missing. And this is for all kind of session.
But can you see "session info" when you play a saved session?:confused:
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I think I know what you're talking about.
The small square "info" button that brings up the session instructions when you click it, yes?

It does indeed go missing most of the time when you load a saved session that uses it, and I'm afraid it's a bug that didn't get squashed last time around.
It's because the script that displays the info button doesn't get initialised when loading a saved session.

If you go to my website, TrainzLab, and go to the tutorials section, you'll find the last page of the "Creating and using HTML assets" tutorial explains how you can kick it into action when reloading a saved session.

I think I know what you're talking about.
The small square "info" button that brings up the session instructions when you click it, yes?

It does indeed go missing most of the time when you load a saved session that uses it, and I'm afraid it's a bug that didn't get squashed last time around.
It's because the script that displays the info button doesn't get initialised when loading a saved session.

If you go to my website, TrainzLab, and go to the tutorials section, you'll find the last page of the "Creating and using HTML assets" tutorial explains how you can kick it into action when reloading a saved session.

Thank you. i'll try
Sorry but it's very difficult for me to do that you say, can you explain step by step? What kind of file i must modify?
Sorry but it's very difficult for me to do that you say, can you explain step by step? What kind of file i must modify?
You will first need to know how sessions are set up and how they work.
For this you'll need to read the Sessions and Rules guide, which you'll find by clicking the "extras" option on the TRS2006 launcher screen.
You don't need to understand all the different rules written about there, just the principle behind how the rules are run in a session.

Then, by adding the rules that I describe on my tutorial, setting them up exactly as shown, and saving the altered session under a different name, you'll be able to press the minimap button to force the info button to reappear.

As I say though, you'll need to understand how rules are added to a session, how you indent them, and what that means.
It's also worth taking a look at how the built-in sessions are put together with the various rules too.

Good luck,