Session Generator


Steam Nut
Is it possible to have a program the would generate a session for a route? I know things like this exist in the MSTS world but I've never seen it in Trainz (all be it I haven't look vary hard).
If I can recall correctly, there was a scenario creation system that some-one developed for an early version of Trainz (possibly TRS2004) but I believe that it would not work on later versions. Cannot remember any of the details as I never used it.
What are you looking for exactly?

Creating sessions for a route is default functionality.
Next to that, they added an easier way to start a free-drive session since TANE.
I wrote StopGap for Trainz 1.3/TRS2004+, and after that Mike over at TPR wrote Scenario Creation System for later versions of Trainz, but I don't think that there's anything like that for TS2012/T:ANE.

There are so many rules and driver commands available now, that you can do most things in a session that you'd previously have to do with Trainzscript.
Whether they work correctly in T:ANE is another thing.
My Weather Control rule doesn't display the raindrops on the screen in TS12, like it used to in previous versions, so you need to be careful when downloading rules and driver commands.

What are you looking for exactly?

Creating sessions for a route is default functionality.
Next to that, they added an easier way to start a free-drive session since TANE.

What i'm looking for is a way to automatically make a session to play. while I enjoy making session's, I don't like playing the one's I have made. I find them boring since I made them. All the little puzzles or the unexpected events are ruined.
Authors of mystery novels have the same problem, as do directors of mystery and thriller movies, because they know the outcome well in advance.

If you are looking for a session or scenario creator, for any game program, that can automatically create "unexpected events" (does a system crash count?) then it would probably be a fruitless search for a good many years until real AI systems (and I am not including Adair or any of his mates in that category) can match human ingenuity - could be next week!

Smileyman wrote
I wrote StopGap for Trainz 1.3/TRS2004+, and after that Mike over at TPR wrote Scenario Creation System for later versions of Trainz, but I don't think that there's anything like that for TS2012/T:ANE.

Mike went on to develop the SCS2013 system of session creating for use with TS12 which is far superior to the earlier versions. I spent 2 years helping to beta test it and still use it daily as there is nothing at the moment to equal its conditional commands. If it interests you then see this thread which has a link to download it

Unfortunately the editor doesn't work with T:ANE due to the new file format but I have found that I can write sessions for a route in TS12 and export them for use on the same route in T:ANE as long as the trackwork and trackside objects on the route are identical in both T:ANE and TS12. It all works with Windows 10 as well.


while I enjoy making session's, I don't like playing the one's I have made. I find them boring since I made them. All the little puzzles or the unexpected events are ruined.
Ah, I understand what you mean now and I share your opinion.
That is why for the one not-so-small (I don't want to call it large because it is not) route I have on the DLS there are 10 sessions available; my "standard12" project. Not going to advise you to download it as it has a lot of missing dependencies and faulty assets in TANE. Unless you secretly have TS12 hiding somewhere, than go enjoy 12h of "scenario" sessions.