Serial Number Difficulties


New member

I had to re-install my copy of Trainz 2009 World Builder. I started with uninstall Trainz 2009 from my computer and put my DVD into the reader. It started to spin and my new installation was completed without any problems.

But, when i opened my DVD-box to enter my serial number the booklet was missing! And I don't know where I put it! :confused:

Is there any way for me to retrieve my serial number via by using my username and password? I have registred on the site and I know that a match is made with my serial number as soon as I go into Download Station. So the information must be there somewhere.

Thanks for help!

KE Johansen
Make sure you're logged in to this forum. Click on "Profile" in the horizontal navigation bar near the top of any of these forum pages. On the resulting page, under "Trainz" in the lefthand column click on "Serial Number". In the bottom half of the resulting page there should be a list of the Trainz serial numbers that you've registered.

HTH, John