I am having issues with select/paste process in TANE Build 81324. I will try to describe my problem. I merged a small route with all kinds of objects to use in the route I am working on. I want to jump to the baseboard with "cars" on it (I have about 7 baseboards with cars, trucks, track, bridges etc etc), select an area with several "cars" then jump back to the in-progress route and paste the selection onto that baseboard where I could manipulate them as needed. I can select and then copy as big or small an area I want on the merged baseboards but as soon as I jump (by jump I mean "find object" then select the object to move to, in this case a sign with the letter "a" on it, which takes me back to the spot I am working on in the route in progress). Once I jump and paste I get mixed results, sometimes nothing gets pasted. Other times only a small portion of what was selected is pasted (I had 14 semi-trailers selected and TANE only managed to paste one in the new location).
Any suggestions? I know I can select an area then "roam" to the spot I want using the mouse but it is a very large route and that is not practical.
When pasting I have only the objects selected to paste. The elevation, texture and splines are off.
Any suggestions? I know I can select an area then "roam" to the spot I want using the mouse but it is a very large route and that is not practical.
When pasting I have only the objects selected to paste. The elevation, texture and splines are off.