Select area then paste problem

I am having issues with select/paste process in TANE Build 81324. I will try to describe my problem. I merged a small route with all kinds of objects to use in the route I am working on. I want to jump to the baseboard with "cars" on it (I have about 7 baseboards with cars, trucks, track, bridges etc etc), select an area with several "cars" then jump back to the in-progress route and paste the selection onto that baseboard where I could manipulate them as needed. I can select and then copy as big or small an area I want on the merged baseboards but as soon as I jump (by jump I mean "find object" then select the object to move to, in this case a sign with the letter "a" on it, which takes me back to the spot I am working on in the route in progress). Once I jump and paste I get mixed results, sometimes nothing gets pasted. Other times only a small portion of what was selected is pasted (I had 14 semi-trailers selected and TANE only managed to paste one in the new location).

Any suggestions? I know I can select an area then "roam" to the spot I want using the mouse but it is a very large route and that is not practical.
When pasting I have only the objects selected to paste. The elevation, texture and splines are off.
I've noticed this same problem myself. From what I've come to see, the objects do actually get pasted but are invisible. I've had to save and exit surveyor then reload the route to see the objects that were pasted. Give that a try.

Hi Joe,
I have found that it takes one or two more saves (and not consistently either one) before all the items I pasted finally show up on the baseboard. I have tried to replicate this on other routes I have produced but it seems isolated to this route for some reason. Probably has to do with merging the two routes late in the development process. From now on that will be right at the top of the to-do list on new routes.

One other interesting thing is once I paste items on this route only, if you move way back (almost to the point of them disappearing) you can see them appear in the distance. If you move back in toward them they disappear again. If you carefully move them all a small distance, they now stay visible.
Same problem here. I've been getting the feeling it has to do with the number of assets being rendered. I've noticed that in areas that I have a lot of trees, grasses and other details is where things will begin to disappear. Happens if I fly far away to another baseboard, then return. When I come back none of my trees are rendered and nothing will place. But when I exit and return, everything is fine. Seems to be a strange bug. I have a rather powerful machine as well so I don't think it's a lack of processing power. I just think it has to do with how T:ane renders objects.

Maybe others have seen this problem or it's a known bug?

Same problem here. I've been getting the feeling it has to do with the number of assets being rendered. I've noticed that in areas that I have a lot of trees, grasses and other details is where things will begin to disappear. Happens if I fly far away to another baseboard, then return. When I come back none of my trees are rendered and nothing will place. But when I exit and return, everything is fine. Seems to be a strange bug. I have a rather powerful machine as well so I don't think it's a lack of processing power. I just think it has to do with how T:ane renders objects.

Maybe others have seen this problem or it's a known bug?


It sounds like a memory issue with the program and not your computer.

I've seen the same thing.

Someone should report it as a bug and N3V can look into it. It maybe something they can do in the code to tweak things.
Ha, I was just coming for this exact same problem, tried copying a grass spline object and it wouldn't appear when pasted, but the painted grass would. Will try the save trick. Thanks guys.

***tried your suggestions, did not work. I even quit the game completely but still no joy. It is only for the grass spline (JVC), if I try to copy a tree it works***
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What bugs me is the area you select isn't the same area when you go to paste. What I mean is, if I select an area alongside the track, with the dashed line right next to the track, then go to paste, the dashed line will not paste right up next to the track, but wants to paste a few feet to either side.
Dave and Chris,
I have my fingers crossed that both of these issues get cleared (or at least better) with SP2 when it is released.
Hi John,
I was not able to replicate the copy/paste (assets not showing on screen, see post #1) on other routes in Beta SP1 early hotfixes. Therefore I did not report it as a bug.
I plan to attempt this again once SP2 is fully released. Unfortunately I have not had time to beta-test for SP2.
@John; never even thought too. I just tried again and even checked in driver mode with same results.

*ticket submitted*
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This problem is known and is suppose to be fixed in the next patch; they ask that it be tested and reported back to them once the patch is out.