Seasonal Foliage


I was out on the rails this morning at the Museum watching the fall colors roll by when the thought struck me:

What would it take to make a tree with leaves that could be swapped out like a commodity?

Another idea: what would it take to apply the same idea to a spline?

Just thinking out loud...
It would be a very good idea.

I always avoid trees on my routes because to have a winter version of a route means changing all the deciduous trees from 'in-leaf' to bare, which is quite a tedious job. If we had a tree that we could change in Surveyor by just clicking on it and which applies the change to all the other trees of the same variety, that would be really good.

Best wishes,
An excellent idea Ferrous, but that then would surely have to be then "tied" to the clock and more importantly, "System date" or some such scheme, as Padster has already said, he would have to change the trees each time under existing arrangements.

Nonetheless, a bloody good idea.

It's certainly possible to do for indiviual terr models. Simply a matter of texture swapping and either doing it based on the setting of a rule added to the route or somesuch. This would need a range of tree models to have the texture swapping capability built in to them and have the appropriate set of textures.

The problem comes with splines where you can't texture swap as far as I am aware.

An excellent idea Ferrous, but that then would surely have to be then "tied" to the clock and more importantly, "System date" or some such scheme, as Padster has already said, he would have to change the trees each time under existing arrangements.

Nonetheless, a bloody good idea.


Not necessarily, if you used the question mark button and selected the tree and you could select different foliage the same way you select different loads in a car.

Unless, of course, you can't set it up like that for an object.
Sorry I wouldn't know m8, but the whole idea just seems so bloody obvious and would certainly have saved a lot of content on the DLS.

Much easier to create a "season" rule that all multi-texture trees could look for then you would only have to set the season in one place.

I've never had a Driver session last longer than a couple of hours before the AI breaks down, let alone a whole season! But putting that aside, it is certainly a nice concept.

Generating season-specific layouts from one master layout is already quite easy in principle. Trainzobjectz can replace trees, houses, roads, walls and ground textures with their equivalents from other seasons (provided you have all these in your assets collection). I can even imaging making layouts in which crops have just been planted in one version and fully grown in another.

It would probably work best of this was planned from the beginning and you compiled a list of seasonal equivalents as you create the first layout.