Script Error


New member

I'm pretty much a newbie but so far managing sort out most problems, but I have a couple of errors I don't know how to solve. I am running TRS2004 version 2.4 build 2370.

First I'm getting a non fatal script error on two of the downloaded routes, as follows:
"Thread Exception ER NullReference, line47,file
Stack dump
function $void@scenery::Setup(message), line -1"

Although the above is not fatal, canceling it allows the route to continue, if I could correct whatever is wrong I would be happier, I need to understand the problem.

Secondly, I get the missing assets report on several routes, even my own!
How can my route have missing assets? Everything I've put in it was on my PC! In all cases in question searches for the missing assets produces no results.
Is there some way to stop these irritating error messages which do not seem to be affecting the smooth running of the routes.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated,


For more info on the error message, look in the jetlog.txt file. It might help pinpoint which asset is causing the setup problem. Wrt missing assets, what does TO say about the route?

You have missing dependencies on a vehicle using one of my scripts, probably one of Brook's vehicles.
Thank you all for your replies.
My first task was to look in the jetlog file as rweber95 suggested, below is an extract which may throw some light on the problem, I can see references to the error message but I cannot understand the result enough to resolve the issue from that. I have pasted two extracts below.

Jet vRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5.QQQQQ on Oct 20 2004 at 13:44:19.

- 00000B48 Prog 0:09.0 Trainz : Unable to move aside asset 'trains/redhen' to 'Removed Content/kuid 523 400'
- 00000B48 Prog 0:09.1 Trainz : Unable to move aside asset 'bogeys/Redhen_bogie' to 'Removed Content/kuid 523 401'
? 00000B48 Warn 0:13.4 Trainz : Unable to load texture 'downloads/kuid 317456 21000/track6".texture' from 'world/dispatcher'
- 00000B48 Prog 0:20.4 Trainz : Unable to move aside asset 'downloads/kuid 1942 27002' to 'Removed Content/kuid 1942 27002'
- 00000B48 Prog 0:20.4 Trainz : Unable to move aside asset 'downloads/kuid 60238 26032' to 'Removed Content/kuid 60238 26032'
- 00000B48 Prog 0:21.2 Trainz : Unable to move aside asset 'downloads/kuid 30501 22005' to 'Removed Content/kuid 30501 22005'
- 00000B48 Prog 0:21.7 Trainz : TrainzHIDLoader> TrainzHID.dll initialised
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : router message from 0181 '' to 0181 '', message Setup, (null)
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : router message from 0669 '' to 0669 '', message Setup, (null)
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : router message from 0706 '' to 0706 '', message Setup, (null)
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : router message from 1218 '' to 1218 '', message Setup, (null)
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : router message from 1115 'Coalville Mines' to 1115 'Coalville Mines', message Animation-Event, animstop
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : Thead Exception ER_NullReference, line 47, file
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : *** DUMPING ALL THEAD STACKS ***
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : *** STACK DUMP OF THREAD 0 ON GAME OBJECT , id 141 ***
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : function $void@AnimatedSignal::EventLoop(), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz :

- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : *** STACK DUMP OF THREAD 0 ON GAME OBJECT , id 164 ***
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz : function $void@AnimatedSignal::EventLoop(), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5 Trainz :

- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.5



$void@AnimatedSignal::EventLoop(), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz :

- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : *** STACK DUMP OF THREAD 0 ON GAME OBJECT , id 1665 ***
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : function $void@AnimatedSignal::EventLoop(), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz :

- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Stack Dump...
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : function $void@scenery::Setup(Message), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Thead Exception ER_NullReference, line 47, file
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Stack Dump...
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : function $void@scenery::Setup(Message), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Thead Exception ER_NullReference, line 47, file
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Stack Dump...
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : function $void@scenery::Setup(Message), line -1
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Thead Exception ER_NullReference, line 47, file
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : Stack Dump...
- 00000B48 Prog 0:49.6 Trainz : function $void@scenery::Setup(Message), line -1


I am unable to follow Bill69's link... apparently I do not have enough "privileges" to access that. Thanks for the response though Bill69.

Originalwelshborder, I have used TO quite a lot, as far as I can determine it is not reporting any discrepancies, but I did fire up Content Manager today and it reports many missing KUID's, (The red text) I have downloaded quite a few from there but downloads either does not have some of them or will not give me access, eventually gave up for a bit as DL seemed to lock me out...

andi06, your reply was very specific, as though you knew exactly what it was, but I haven't found a way yet to identify any specific object that may be causing the issues.

So far no progress made but I'm still chiseling away at the problem, any comments about the above script would be appreciated.


Bromford (UK)
Line 47 in the original copy of is looking for a texture library. The kuid of the missing asset can be found by looking in the relevant config.txt for the line:

skins <kuid:xxxxx:xxx>

kuid:xxxxx:xxx refers to the missing asset. Unfortunately I can't help you to find the config.txt to search in.

The AnimatedSignal messages refer to another asset with a problem.
No joy on the script error but I can say that the error only occurs in the Middle Vales & the UK branch Lines Routes and it's identical.
Perhaps I have a clue to the problems on my own layout I mentioned in my first post.
I have the missing assets report when accessing my own layout, I have now backtracked through the saves to the point where the error report began.
It began from the point where I changed all the track from the built in track to the German Low-Poly track I discovered in downloaded layouts. I did it by replacing it piece by piece, :D I didn't know it could be done through TO at that time... so if it is that what have I done wrong? It's in the downloads folder so why should it be a problem, I can confirm TO reports no errors or missing items.

Any ideas?


Possibly not related to your specific problems, but always useful - in Trainz Objectz, click the "Menu" button near bottom right, then select "Check For Missing RS Parts" (i.e. missing rolling stock parts). This checks whether any of the installed rolling stock is missing things such as bogies (aka "trucks" in the USA), enginespecs, enginesounds, hornsounds, etc. These are all separate assets in Trainz and quite often when you download a main rolling stock item its dependencies don't get installed automatically. Resolve all the missing rolling stock parts, if any.

Then go into TRS2004 > Railyard and step through all the rolling stock items one by one. Any which don't have their image displayed need to be sorted out. Examining the .../Auran/TRS2004/Cache/Logs/log0.html file for error messages after Railyard can be very useful in that exercise but it may well contain spurious messages that don't cause any actual problems.

Hope this helps a bit, John
Thanks John,

I had overlooked that menu button down there, I did find some missing items of rolling staock parts there and have downloaded them. I do have one or two rolling stock with problems, I'm about to check out the Railyard right now.
Thanks for the tips,

Ive seen that error on a few cars that are ARN commodity set up cars , like lars system.... I use 2006., So I just basically dont use those til I get around to re configuring them....

Dave =)
I am unable to follow Bill69's link... apparently I do not have enough "privileges" to access that. Thanks for the response though Bill69.

I just tried the link above and it works fine here. If you are having problems accessing the thread is because you might not have registered your Trainz product in your Planet Auran profile. If you did and are still having problems then you'll need to contact helpdesk then.


Thanks Dave,

I tried to access the link through the forum and by copy & paste but I have a feeling that it's denied because it's in some way TRS2006 related and I'm running 2004 at the moment. Just guessing... it's not the first time, it's happened with other links as well.


Ive seen that error on a few cars that are ARN commodity set up cars , like lars system.... I use 2006., So I just basically dont use those til I get around to re configuring them....

Dave =)

Thanks for the info Dave I'll work on it.


FWIW I've only got TRS2004 and Bill's link works without any problems for me. That's in Firefox V2.0 by the way. Maybe try another browser, maybe it depends on cookie settings, dunno I'm guesssing...

Hi all,

In relation to my missing assets mentioned earlier in the thread, I have suspicions it might be self inflicted. I have been trawling through my saved files to find the cause and I remembered I changed the track on one of the downloaded custom bridges by altering the script to point to Low Poly Track, by following instructions on a forum thread. It works great but has it caused this error? I realize now that the KUID configuration has changed but not the KUID number. Did I make a mistake here?

FWIW I've only got TRS2004 and Bill's link works without any problems for me. That's in Firefox V2.0 by the way. Maybe try another browser, maybe it depends on cookie settings, dunno I'm guesssing...


Thanks for that John,
I just checked the link again with no luck still the same message, I use Firefox V2.0 also, I just checked my settings I have no restrictions running, my cookies are set until they expire.
I mailed the helpdesk again yesterday I must check my messages.