Sorry for the delay, was on vacation...
Vote by telling us who you are voting for in bold. I will keep a running tally in this post until the end of the week where I will post the top three winners. Voting ends Friday July 19th...
Just incase you missed it, here are the entries!
Here are the contestants in order of submission... Leader is in bold... PLEASE NO VOTING FOR YOURSELF!
titaniclover 0
JimDep 2
Ferrous 0
Michael_Evans 0
Gandalf0444 1
Sabertooth 0
AJ_Fox 0
demon_eric 0
Sparky123456 6
razvan100 3
tads. 2
kevaylett 0
maartentje 0
Cozmo® 4
ozark 1
saintjimmy 0
hbl 0
ex-railwayman 0
Dylanviey 0
campbell5149 0
trackplate 0
kilanziom 1
segy 1
cook 0
Flickenwilli 3
okhiu 0
stealthsteam 0
Koondawg 0
Communist 2
iceman2117 0
alien3 0
msdejesus 3
lewisner 1
WileeCoyote 0
crman123 0
Isaacg 0
Whew, what a list!!! Now vote!!!
Votes current as of huubbaar...
Vote by telling us who you are voting for in bold. I will keep a running tally in this post until the end of the week where I will post the top three winners. Voting ends Friday July 19th...
Just incase you missed it, here are the entries!
Here are the contestants in order of submission... Leader is in bold... PLEASE NO VOTING FOR YOURSELF!
titaniclover 0
JimDep 2
Ferrous 0
Michael_Evans 0
Gandalf0444 1
Sabertooth 0
AJ_Fox 0
demon_eric 0
Sparky123456 6
razvan100 3
tads. 2
kevaylett 0
maartentje 0
Cozmo® 4
ozark 1
saintjimmy 0
hbl 0
ex-railwayman 0
Dylanviey 0
campbell5149 0
trackplate 0
kilanziom 1
segy 1
cook 0
Flickenwilli 3
okhiu 0
stealthsteam 0
Koondawg 0
Communist 2
iceman2117 0
alien3 0
msdejesus 3
lewisner 1
WileeCoyote 0
crman123 0
Isaacg 0
Whew, what a list!!! Now vote!!!

Votes current as of huubbaar...
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